Sorle's Ban Appeal @Super_

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Appealing for:


Appeal type:


Which staff member banned you:


How long were you banned for:

6 months.

Your Steam Name:


Your In-game Name:

Alfa Ross

Your Steam ID:


Why were you banned/blacklisted:

Consistent disrespect and harassment levelled at two individuals, continued via the report system after an OOC blacklist was issued. For disclosure purposes, today I had my forum ban for targeted harassment towards an individual changed to a communications ban.

Why should this appeal be considered:

I'll show the contents of my last appeal - directed towards my forum ban, however also concerning my general condition & the situation at hand, as it still has a decent level of relevance.

Feels like the 20th time I'm appealing a toxicity ban lmao - no surprise to me if I'm just not taken seriously at this stage but I still consider it worth a shot. Gonna try to keep this brief because there's not a whole lot to cover that I haven't before. I'd like to apologise for the disruption I caused within the community during my continuous toxic streak because the extent of it truly can't be understated. Had some realisations regarding my maturity and my method of handling perceived issues, and considering additional responsibilities and accountability for actions that I will be taking on in a relatively short period of time, I came to understand that my poor behaviour simply wouldn't be sufficient to carry me throughout all facets of my life moving forward. As such, I've taken up mindfulness and various methods of self-care and improvement in order to help myself feel more comfortable and secure with my position, with a consistent lack of both being the root cause of a large majority of my behavioural issues. Within this I've come to better understand my flaws within interpersonal interaction & with that, a greater understanding of how to correctly control and deal with my emotions.

I'd like to extend my apology to @nutrient10 & @Alliat for my actions towards you on the server - regardless of how fervently and excessively I disagreed with either one of your modus operandi, actions, or stances on various issues, the method by which I expressed my dissatisfaction was in no way justified or constructive and instead boiled down to hateful excess spewing of garbage. I understand if you're unwilling to accept such an apology as at the end of the day, the onus is on me to prove genuine sincerity and change.

I'd like to address a few points regarding this ban:
  • I did not do this with the intention of committing "community suicide" as some claimed - I can understand perceiving it as such however this was not my intention by any means.​
  • The premise of "calling out" the individuals in question was entirely flawed - the problems I had at the time could've easily reached private resolutions if I instead reached out to the individuals in question as opposed to attempting to call them out via public means.​
  • A lot of the issues I took were subjective - they may not have been considered such by the people in question even when informed of how I believed them to be at fault, making my reaction completely disproportionate and unjustifiable at the time.​
  • My messages towards the individuals in question were made with excess malice and aggression - a method which I believed at the time would convey my point with more pungency and demonstrate a greater level of seriousness, at the detriment of the feelings of the individuals targeted, which I believed to be a worthy tradeoff. However, this was simply not true, as a logical point is more often than not disregarded when it is interlaced with so much illogical emotional response - a mistake I see no need to repeat. Additionally, such a method - even if it were to work - is wholly immoral and as much as I may disagree with an individual on a moral level, attacking someone on such a level in any extent is not a proportional or necessary response in the slightest, and the moral disagreements should be instead tackled in a logical, respectful manner. For this, I would like to once again apologise to the individuals who may have been hurt by my comments - my attitude and outlook towards the community as a whole at the time were incredibly poor and I ended up taking aim at both of you with my aggression, which can by no means be justified.​
For once, I feel like I can say with a significant level of confidence that I've actively made genuine changes in my attitude. In the past, I've had doubts about the longevity of any changes made which obviously became reality, however the change is much more deep-rooted this time around. I'm more than willing to take on additional terms regarding any shortening of the ban or unban, as I'm more concerned with proving a strong level of change than anything else. I have many ideas in order to bring new roleplay & aspects of gameplay to the server that previously went untapped or ignored & I want to see if I'll be able to do anything to help the general state of the server so that the current success the community has found can have a decent amount of longevity.

Apologies if that last paragraph got a bit nonsensical or excessively convoluted - I was unable to finish writing the appeal in one sitting so the ideas and points I was previously going to move onto from the bullet points were forgotten.

Additional Comment(s):

Thank you for reading & I'm entirely open for discussion if you'd like to add me on Steam - hyperlinked under "Your Steam Name" - or on Discord: sorle#2085​
Unable to edit so there's an important part I've missed out which I'll put here: If I were to be unbanned, the communications ban currently instated would heavily limit my potential to be toxic.
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