[SSRP Moderator] Clarky's Application

Reaction score
United Kingdom
RP Name: Clarky
Time Zone: Click here
Link to Steam Profile: Click here
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44595797
Current Gametracker Profiles: Click here
Estimated Server Time: 4096+ hours in total
Languages I Speak: English

Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Under rule 2.2, you may only kill someone within valid reasoning only. These valid reasons are, but
are not limited to;
-Trespassing into the Bank Vault
-Trespassing inside of the Police Department
-Defending yours or an alliance/colleagues’ life
-Breaking into a property you are associated with

An example of a kill that would be considered as ‘RDM’ would be: Player A decided to kill Player B
because he called him fat.

Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
Under rule 2.3, you are not allowed to return to a district you have died within nor have any
interactions with it, there may be a very few exemptions from this such as respawning on a tactical
insertion, suits that utilises the ability to respawn where you had died. This rule is also applied in the
Spawn area too, so should be enforced by immediately leaving the area.

This rule does not apply to the Police job if there is an ongoing Police Department raid, Bank raid,
Nuclear Strike placed within its respective district, and zone captures. Police must, however, follow
NLR when there is an ongoing Airdrop whereas any other job may be allowed to reenter the

respective district of wherever the Airdrop may be, disregarding their NLR until the Airdrop has been
broken into.

An example of a New Life Rule violation would be: Player A kills Player B after successfully raiding
their base, Player B then returns to that district within seconds of respawning and attempts to fight
Player A again, interacting and being within the district of their ongoing NLR.

Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You are handling a report in which player A accuses player B of killing them for no reason in a report
via the F1 system.

Firstly, I would teleport to Player A in regards to a report they had created. Once Player A is ready to
be taken to an admin sit, I will listen to Player A’s story and seek for any form of evidence if possible,
whilst also attempting to confirm this rulebreak allegation by checking the KILL logs. Once this is
gathered and confirmed, I would then approach Player B and simply request that I need to bring them
to an admin sit due to an open report created against them. I would then allow for Player B to give
their side of the story and once this is done, I will then come to a final decision.
Should there be any admission and/or evidence against Player B, they would be punished for 2.2 -
Random Deathmatch. However, if there was no sufficient evidence and the word is going against one
another then no further action can be taken. Both players would then be returned to their original
locations (if applicable) once the admin sit is concluded.

Explain how you would handle the following situation:
You witness a user mass RDMing in spawn, killing many people constantly to the point where users
are complaining.

If a user is Mass RDMing the spawn, they would imminently be frozen and brought to a roof to be
dealt with in the most appropriate way. I would be checking their punishment records to see if this
individual is a recurring trouble-maker and see if they have any intentions of playing the server the
proper way of how it is intended to be. I would punish the user for Mass RDM, potentially have an
administrator jail the user should I request for it via ‘@’ admin chat so that we can attempt to clear up
the situation that had just occurred and remove NLR from the victims of the Mass RDM.

Why I should be chosen:
Whilst it is completely understood that I have only just come back to the community from a serious
infraction that has kept me away from the community and server for quite some time, I have come
back to again contribute and dedicate myself to dealing with staffing manners to the best of my
abilities. I have maintained a staff position here on ZARP in the past and whilst my reputation as a
staff member was not the best in the end, including my time after staffing as well, I don’t want this to
overshadow the years and time of dedication I have put into the server and its structure all around.

I am very aware of what it takes to become a staff member on a ZARP service and SSRP specifically,
being one of the first servers I initially became staff on in 2016 to becoming a Community Manager in
2018 for nearly two years, I hope this demonstrates that I am determined to come back with only the
best intentions and to remain on a more fresh page from the day I was pardoned for my silly past
actions and welcomed back into the ZARP ecosystem.

I completely understand that given with my shaky past, this may be either a difficult or easy decision
to not give me this opportunity as some individuals thought that I did horrible, I really want to iterate
that I have changed the way I conduct myself throughout my time away and have become a lot more
mature and relaxed in how I behave. I have done my absolute best to try to fix up any previous issues
people have had with me and this has been resolved with a vast majority, though full forgiveness was
not granted with some, understandably so.

With my experience and knowledge in the SSRP gamemode, I am still sometimes approached even
as a user in regards to questions of the rules, I believe this in itself shows how reliant and trusted I am
able to demonstrate myself as I do also listen to the fullest extent of the situation and explain the
technicalities and logistics of the topic in question, I also believe that I am fallen upon mainly because
of my long-term experience as a SSRP Head Admin. Dealing with staff-to-user situations has been
something I have done for years as previously mentioned, so I do hope that in itself shows that I am
completely capable of committing myself and handling these duties without flaws.

I’ve always attempted to maintain an active presence within the community, and with myself enjoying
the servers again, you will have noticed how often I am on the server and there are times where
reports can stack up and staff members are not available whereas I could potentially be dealing with
the occurring issues the players are facing and resolve them to benefit everyone.

I hope that for the most part, this explains everything in as much detail as I could possibly put into this
Moderator application and demonstrates how much I genuinely wish to volunteer time of my day to
help better the server. Enjoy the rest of your evenings, thank you for taking the time to read my