Stacking Half Magazines/Ammo Boxes

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Bolli's Testicles, PLC
Stacking Half Empty Magazines/Ammo Boxes.

Short explanation (in notes):
-Able to Stack Magazines/Ammo boxes
-For example if there is 15 + 5 00 Buckshots,we should be able to stack 5 and 15 in one so it can be 20 in only one.(I know im suck at explaining)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Because,when i have half magazines or half ammo boxes i must keep two of em but if Stacking is able,i stack them in only one and then i can keep only one.

Optional additions:
- Nope

Note: I know im really bad at explaining stuff. I hope you guys understand me. :)
+Support A basic but good idea that needs implementing, I think what you mean is, where if you had two half-full mp5 mags, you should be able to empty the rounds from one into the other to have one empty and one full. similarly with boxes of ammo I'm guessing?

It should have some kind of quick access thing however maybe if you drag a magazine over to another in your inventory, they combine. and you get one empty and one with the rounds from both.
I know exactly what you mean, when im trying to sell stuff at my gun shop, i can't sell half empty ones so i have to sell them for cheaper.

A huge +Support
Well, this is a good idea, mostly for selling stuff, but should it maybe go under mixtures> ammunation and it will fill the ones with the most using the boxes with the least in them? I, myself have no idea about coding. However if stephenpuffs says this could be implemented it would be neat.
This may become possible for ammo boxes, but not for magazines directly. Time frame unknown, so I will put this under accepted for now, but no definite date on completion, probably one of those things that I'll do if I get bored or Fredy wants something to do.
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