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I don't like fed Up With this.
I'm talking about this: every time people remember that I'm Russian or being told that, they start up with saying "not everyone has his father's atomic rocket business" or "someone's going to prison". I'm saying that Russia is mostly like Europe already, and it was (rockets, Cold War, all that stuff) when most of you were not even born. So I would like you to stop talking about Russian (soviet) stereotypes because these are lies. We have everything you have except for good medical care and all that stuff: we have Volvos, BMWs, we have planes, we have free internet and etc.
What you are talking about is situation in North Korea. Atomic bombs, no internet, war.
Please stop that.

speaking of stereotyping, on a GTA V server someone had a voice changer and was trying to troll us by pretending to be an english stereotype. I told him he wasn't funny but he kept on at it lol.
I get called Jew in school but you know it don't offend me because I aint Jewish, there's seriously no need to post this just get on with life like I do, pretty sure there's a snap-chat video of me today getting hit by a palm leaf.
Life's too short to listen to peoples opinion on you, just get on with life like I said.

Palm ^​
"We have everything you have except for good medical care and all that stuff" So basically nothing?

As Aaron said, grow up and deal with it. I get stereotyped all the time it's just common. Man up and don't create a thread winging about it because it makes you more of a target. If you're really pissed off them report the people the the moderators.

Also UK is only country allowed to be imperial. Free Ukraine pls ty.
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"I am a muricunt born in america, the land of the fat and the free. I am proud of my awful education, horrible medical care, terrible society and religious gunwielding fanatics. With my natural 260 lbs, please stop talking trash about my mediocre country which is a collection of all the human scum EU and Asia dumped a few hundred years ago."

:kappa: (pls no hurterino)

I like being called a kanacke.Thats how I am, might aswell call me a terrorist, do not really care at all what you call me aslong it doesn't go overboard with racism/death threats etc.And as Duffy said...
Man up and don't create a thread winging about it because it makes you more of a target. If you're really pissed off them report the people the the moderators.
Well, I have actually never heard Stereotype on Czech republic. o_O Because it's so small country, maybe you didnt even probably heard that name. Lol :p

But yea, stereotypes will stay, well, I dont want to say, that big count of Russians gamers in other games are still talking in their native language (CS:GO, WarThunder, Dota, etc..) even it's europian server, and not russian. Well, that's why I dont like Russians in that moments. But there's so many normal russians, that are speaking even better then any others. :
But yea, Stereotypes are bad and the tea drinkers should start speak normally :kappa: (sarchasm).
You came in with a submarine in sweden loaded with atomic weapons and said "Its for your protection". WTF, like when we came to that submarine you escaped?
I'm not a racist, I'm not a homo-phobe or a stereotyping prejudice goon; but Russia is instilling old fashioned values into the civilian population and scaremongering it's neighbouring societies, this is a fact, and if you say it is either propaganda or non-factual truth, you are wrong, you are a victim of your own society.

Russia is a nation where homosexuals cannot express their views without fear of persecution, this is wrong.
Russian citizens cannot properly express their negative views on the current government in public without threat of imprisonment, this is wrong.

Until Russia obliges to a modern society norm, stereotypes likes this will stick around, Russia tries to seclude itself and maintain a secular society, your country must integrate into this modern 'union' in order for more people to understand its current status.
bloody tracksuit wearing, CS:GO playing, homophobic, crazy Russians.

Seriously, I'm not prejudice at ALL, but your country needs to fucking clean up its act.
In fact, maybe Russia should stop stereotyping gays before they want stereotypes to stop.

Your country is run by a stupid dictator who imprisons anyone who criticises the government or their actions, it is regressing back to Soviet times. He is also at a point when the entire first world is just waiting expectantly for him to send troops overseas and try to take over the world, there will be a major war if Putin keeps at his current course.

Nothing against you or the fact that you are Russian, I'm just saying, I don't think your country is worthy of much respect tbh, in its current form or historical stages
"Hjello and welcum to mi labrotory where savty is numbah 1 priority" - Crazy russian hacker. 10/10 russian -IGN