Server Suggestion Stop cops abusing the cones & citizen the right to move them

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Suggestion Title: Stop cops abusing the cones & citizen the right to move them
Suggestion Description: Cops nowadays abandon and abuse their barricades to the max, many times they don't pick it up and vehicles get stuck on them or ram into them because they are in position no one expects them and they are always either like fucking concrete barriers wrecking your car in the process which is completely unrealistic given the rubbery behavior of cones and lightweight wooden barricades. I would like to have the ability to move them as right now they are magical barriers not being able to move. Also DONT ALLOW THEM TO FREEZE THESE PROPS if changed.

TL:DR allow citizens to move the cones/barricades of police, stop them being magical.

Why should this be added?:
- Less cop abuse
- the ability to pass simple areas with a car or walk if all cops die or when abandoned
- not having to propabuse to solve simple situations like being stuck with a car or in an apartment

What negatives could this have?:
- people abusing barricades by moving them, but whats so wrong with that? hold your perimeter and cuff them.
-People stealing PLPD property

What problem would this suggestion solve?: problems like this: Cop abuse by locking in civilians in cuffs, cops abusing props to stop vehicles, props breaking people cars as abandoned by police due to multiple reasons

And yes this is out of salt of almost tiering my car
Useful Images: , I confirmed neither situation had anything going on behind those barricades at all, I ran into cops on this side of the highway in the full closed off (nothing on the other lane being blocked off) and at bazaar nothing anything near it
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Instant upvote, it’s bullshit how many times cops leave barricades that turns a road into a hazardous minefield to drive through.

spikes as well are left up harbor lane and if they use cars next to it instead of barricades, not much beyond ramming their cars or running to respawn yours at Car dealer that you can do if you wipe them at Projex.
Don't you get a pop-up after like 10 minutes or so if you haven't picked up your cones?
Don't you get a pop-up after like 10 minutes or so if you haven't picked up your cones?
Think how active the highway is, you set up a trap with some cones and shit, get killed and go AFK. The activity of the highway makes it aids
What if we just make it so if you dont reply to the question then it despawns the barricades by default?

As for the "minge" problem that's something we can't really avoid, there will always be a way to minge if you really want to
Why not add a zone like NLR, that if player moves too far away from the barricade it just gets removed automatically

It’d be nice if the wooden barricades weren’t treated like a concrete barricade when you hit it with a car too lol
What if we just make it so if you dont reply to the question then it despawns the barricades by default?

As for the "minge" problem that's something we can't really avoid, there will always be a way to minge if you really want to

I just want to be able to move cop props like a normal human being, I never understood why cop props had to be invincible and unmovable, especially given current day PD force where perimeters are supposed to be held to a proper level and people doing so.
Personally I find it really furstrating the way people drive into cones just for the sake of pissing off the officers, that happens quite a lot to me and I think that if you ram into police barricades then you should be punished for it! If you're ramming a barricade going 70 mph its supposed to destroy your car.

The point I agree with in this suggestion is the fact that barricades are abandoned in the middle of the street way too often and I am willing to fix that, right now the timer kicks in after 20min, I am proposing we lower it to 10, maybe even 5 and if the officer does not reply to the question then it deletes the barriers.

I am not encouraging people to drive 140 mph down business street tho. Or anywhere for that matter
Personally I find it really furstrating the way people drive into cones just for the sake of pissing off the officers, that happens quite a lot to me and I think that if you ram into police barricades then you should be punished for it! If you're ramming a barricade going 70 mph its supposed to destroy your car.

I am not encouraging people to drive 140 mph down business street tho. Or anywhere for that matter
This pretty much sums up my response. I'll have a whole block closed off due to something and people go around them or ram them just to spite me. People are way to impatient and should be punished for being cunts like that. Slow down and you don't run the risk of hitting cones more then half the time. I've never seen someone with a fast car not go Insanely fast for no reason. They then get pissed when it gets tiered and try to blame it on someone else. It's absurd lol
Personally I find it really furstrating the way people drive into cones just for the sake of pissing off the officers, that happens quite a lot to me and I think that if you ram into police barricades then you should be punished for it! If you're ramming a barricade going 70 mph its supposed to destroy your car.

The point I agree with in this suggestion is the fact that barricades are abandoned in the middle of the street way too often and I am willing to fix that, right now the timer kicks in after 20min, I am proposing we lower it to 10, maybe even 5 and if the officer does not reply to the question then it deletes the barriers.

I am not encouraging people to drive 140 mph down business street tho. Or anywhere for that matter
Then ban them for 3.15!
Personally I find it really furstrating the way people drive into cones just for the sake of pissing off the officers, that happens quite a lot to me and I think that if you ram into police barricades then you should be punished for it! If you're ramming a barricade going 70 mph its supposed to destroy your car.

The point I agree with in this suggestion is the fact that barricades are abandoned in the middle of the street way too often and I am willing to fix that, right now the timer kicks in after 20min, I am proposing we lower it to 10, maybe even 5 and if the officer does not reply to the question then it deletes the barriers.

I am not encouraging people to drive 140 mph down business street tho. Or anywhere for that matter
No i am pissed I cant move them, I want to be able to drag them out of the way, may that be in a projex apartment, on the road, in bazaar or anywhere on the map, its absolutely ridiculous that a cop can place a single barricade at the entrance of a door and no one except that cop can take that person out in cuffs

That a cop can place a barricade on the middle of a highway and tier about 3 cars in the process without being able to move it as a civ.

If you want to fix the situation with a barricade wherever it may be, I must prop push the living fuck out of it in the hope it moves, that is what I am on about.

I want to be able to with FISTS move the barricades
No i am pissed I cant move them, I want to be able to drag them out of the way, may that be in a projex apartment, on the road, in bazaar or anywhere on the map, its absolutely ridiculous that a cop can place a single barricade at the entrance of a door and no one except that cop can take that person out in cuffs

That a cop can place a barricade on the middle of a highway and tier about 3 cars in the process without being able to move it as a civ.

If you want to fix the situation with a barricade wherever it may be, I must prop push the living fuck out of it in the hope it moves, that is what I am on about.

I want to be able to with FISTS move the barricades
This will allow even more mingery. I'll pass on it. Pay attention to the road and don't drive like a race car driver and you'll be fine. Lol
This will allow even more mingery. I'll pass on it. Pay attention to the road and don't drive like a race car driver and you'll be fine. Lol
Mingery? cuff anyone on scene touching your barricade and max ticket them or report them for 3.4, quick solve, and dont abandon your barricades
Personally I find it really furstrating the way people drive into cones just for the sake of pissing off the officers, that happens quite a lot to me and I think that if you ram into police barricades then you should be punished for it! If you're ramming a barricade going 70 mph its supposed to destroy your car.

The point I agree with in this suggestion is the fact that barricades are abandoned in the middle of the street way too often and I am willing to fix that, right now the timer kicks in after 20min, I am proposing we lower it to 10, maybe even 5 and if the officer does not reply to the question then it deletes the barriers.

I am not encouraging people to drive 140 mph down business street tho. Or anywhere for that matter
If an Officer does not respond to the prompt for 5-10 Minutes it should be Automatically Removed. and I disagree with the proposed idea of having Civilians able to move the cones and prop placement due to the fact the majority of PerpHead players would end up pissing about with this.
Yes have to waste more of my time doing F6s instead of trying to play and enjoy the game good idea
exactly my point, allow me to move my barricades off the road or out of the way like a door of an apartment/bazaar shop instead of making F6s and awaiting them having to shoot more cops because staff response is too slow
This will allow even more mingery. I'll pass on it. Pay attention to the road and don't drive like a race car driver and you'll be fine. Lol
What about a shootout at Shady Street and both exits are completely blocked off by barricades, and yet a Ford Raptor attempts to ram it’s way out after killing all cops just to get hit backwards because it’s frozen, stop always being so biased in suggestions involving cops and appreciate the criminal side of it