Server Suggestion Stop cops abusing the cones & citizen the right to move them

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Suggestion Title: Stop cops abusing the cones & citizen the right to move them
Suggestion Description: Cops nowadays abandon and abuse their barricades to the max, many times they don't pick it up and vehicles get stuck on them or ram into them because they are in position no one expects them and they are always either like fucking concrete barriers wrecking your car in the process which is completely unrealistic given the rubbery behavior of cones and lightweight wooden barricades. I would like to have the ability to move them as right now they are magical barriers not being able to move. Also DONT ALLOW THEM TO FREEZE THESE PROPS if changed.

TL:DR allow citizens to move the cones/barricades of police, stop them being magical.

Why should this be added?:
- Less cop abuse
- the ability to pass simple areas with a car or walk if all cops die or when abandoned
- not having to propabuse to solve simple situations like being stuck with a car or in an apartment

What negatives could this have?:
- people abusing barricades by moving them, but whats so wrong with that? hold your perimeter and cuff them.
-People stealing PLPD property

What problem would this suggestion solve?: problems like this: Cop abuse by locking in civilians in cuffs, cops abusing props to stop vehicles, props breaking people cars as abandoned by police due to multiple reasons

And yes this is out of salt of almost tiering my car
Useful Images: , I confirmed neither situation had anything going on behind those barricades at all, I ran into cops on this side of the highway in the full closed off (nothing on the other lane being blocked off) and at bazaar nothing anything near it
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While @Maia is at it, please allow police cones to be "sent to storage". As Helpers are unable to remove them for some reason.
What if we just make it so if you dont reply to the question then it despawns the barricades by default?

As for the "minge" problem that's something we can't really avoid, there will always be a way to minge if you really want to
That, and the removing after being a certain distance away would be a good idea imo.
I think they should still be unfrozen though, that seems to be everyone's main issue; if people move them we can just simply fine and/or arrest them.
Or even similar to how the badge numbers are put on shoulders, put a little spot of a barricade than when placed has the officers badge number that placed them somewhere on it.

This isn’t fucking Fortnite, cops shouldn’t be able to place immovable impenetrable walls.
Almost everything in Fortnite is destructible.
I never freeze my barricades and I don't see any reason for it to remain, removing the ability would fix most of these complaints.
I still see it so stupid that civilians cannot use their fists to move barricades or even a tiny traffic cone. I am shocked that it is even a thing. If you complain about "People minging" then let staff deal with it, or even detain them, I'm sure the probationary officer the CPRL+ slapped on permiter can even detain someone attempting to move a barricade

I personally very rarely have an issue with stuff on the highway and if I ever do see it I will remove it. As mentioned by @Maia I personally think the timer should be lowered on how soon it asks them if they still using them if anything
What about a shootout at Shady Street and both exits are completely blocked off by barricades, and yet a Ford Raptor attempts to ram it’s way out after killing all cops just to get hit backwards because it’s frozen, stop always being so biased in suggestions involving cops and appreciate the criminal side of it
Put your car in the gas station. It is very well known that PD blocks off shady street. Think outside of the box instead of trying to find ways to make it easier for you. You killed all the cops so walking to the gas station shouldn't be a problem.
Put your car in the gas station. It is very well known that PD blocks off shady street. Think outside of the box instead of trying to find ways to make it easier for you. You killed all the cops so walking to the gas station shouldn't be a problem.
It is also very well known a car can go through a piece of wood, I shouldn’t have to “think outside of the box” when I should be able to go through it!
It is also very well known a car can go through a piece of wood, I shouldn’t have to “think outside of the box” when I should be able to go through it!
If people behaved and follow barricades etc this could very easily work but this is perp we are talking about. You have to place a fuck ton down and spikes just to slightly deter someone from being a pain in the ass for no reason. Get people not to treat every single road like a racetrack and to follow barricades when situations don't involve them and i would gladly see this idea put into the server.
Letting civs move them would just lead to minging, I do like the idea of them despawning when the officer that placed them gets a certain distance away.
Letting civs move them would just lead to minging,
minging rates wouldnt shoot up by a considerable percentage if this is added.

Enlighten me on how this realistic fix to cops power gaming an impenetrable wall will lead to any more minging than there already is.
this is why you almost won the worst suggestions :penguin: , giving civilians rights to move barricades would completely fuck up the RP. People during active shootings would just be throwing barricades everywhere
Almost had it man, fuck, I should’ve won :banghead:

Anyway, They won’t, perimeter cops can cuff them the second they go to reach for a barricade, report them for 3.4 for involving and get them banned.
Almost had it man, fuck, I should’ve won :banghead:

Anyway, They won’t, perimeter cops can cuff them the second they go to reach for a barricade, report them for 3.4 for involving and get them banned.

This is way too much to deal with while normally dealing with a shootout. Theirs no way im gonna worry about sweaters throwing barricades around during a situation.
this is why you almost won the worst suggestions :penguin: , giving civilians rights to move barricades would completely fuck up the RP. People during active shootings would just be throwing barricades everywhere. Sadly this powergaming you speak of must continue to exist, however there does need to be a better auto removal function
Your argument is bullshit, throwing barricades mid shootout will get you banned for 3.4 due to lurking in an active shootout anyway (or you should report them) so nothing changes there if they are capable or not. You literally have to rp more if people riot like it is supposed to, same goes for the small time nightsticks were introduced causing a lot of people to hit people in shootouts or tasers being used in shootouts, its new, it is going to get used but on the long run it will benefit everyone as when the PD gets wiped or post are abandoned, you can move stuff aside like a normal person and not have stuff frozen on spot only proppushable away, its so stupid in all ways.

I never understood why it held up that long, but given the last years development of the amount of people on duty and shootouts, someone can either hold perimeter or accept stuff is moved, I do not see a reason why they should be magically kept afloat and on spot unmovable to citizens. If you want to put them in jail put them in for this and max it out:

6.10 Obstruction of Emergency Services​

Any person who obstructs a member of the emergency services in their duties commits an offence.

Felony - liable to 5 years maximum imprisonment and $4,000 maximum fine.

The only argument I have heard it could ruin RP (but just hold your perimeters or cuff people messing around), Hit them were it hurts and max out tickets if continued after a first warning or something or waste their time by putting them in a cop car to be taken to jail for 5 years until the situation is over.

why not trial it and see how it goes, it can always be removed/changed again if turns out too many people abuse it?
no for real, it would be aids if civies could move barricades. End of discussion.
you have hand cuff / ticket bock / jail / law

why you dont want to use them ? why you want everything easy ?

also i think if the barriers should be less weight so car can push it

atm car cant push it and it might werk car