Storage Permissions

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East Grestin Border Checkpoint
Topic: Storage permissions for cars and chests.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Vehicle storage is a different permission to house storage.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I trust some people to hop into their chests to grab something like a gun, but I'm very sceptical about giving them permissions to do so in case they steal an expensive gun from my car's storage, that's why I only have the 'Trusted Seven' to have access to my storage.

Optional addition:
- Placeable chests have different permissions to both cars and house storage.
We originally were going to have this, but see little need to, if you really have to worry about someone taking the wrong thing, get it out for them. Plus once they've accessed your storage, simply revoke it soon after. There's not much reason for you to have separate permissions for just those in my opinion.
Adding this would be helpful, at the moment people can steal from your car if you let them have storage access at your property, this makes no sense, Adding this would be a good idea.
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