Storage/Shop Menu Rework

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Topic: Storage/Shop Menu Rework

Short explanation (in notes):
- New storage and shop menu design
- Able to input specific amount of item to buy/take/store
- Able to search items and sort by category

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

The storage menu would display as it does now with one menu for your inventory and one for the storage/shop, however, it would look similar to the new car dealer menu (shown below). Instead of being tinted green or red indicating if you have enough money to purchase the car it would be tinted the color of that item’s category as shown in the inventory wheel. These menus would obviously need to be smaller than the car dealer one as there would be two (say half the size?). As for the information displayed, where the model of the car is shown in the menu the icon of the item would be shown, the name if the car would be the name of the item, the information about the car would be the description of the item as it is in the inventory. For example, the description of a hamburger is “A simple hamburger with all the fixin’s. Mmmm…” The price and purchase button would be replaced with the amount of that item that is available.


Clicking on an item would take or buy one item as it does now but instead of taking out five, right clicking would open a menu to select how much you would like to buy/store/take similar to the drop money and custom withdraw/deposit options.

The list of items in these menus would be able to be displayed in categories based on the use/type of the item. If possible a search function for quickly getting to a specific item if a player has a large amount of items would greatly improve the user experience of the storage system. The categories I have come up with are listed below, if there are any changes or additions to these categories or the idea itself that you can think of please comment or reply with your thoughts.

Storage Sorting Categories
· Drugs – Drugs and drug seeds, anything else drug related (e.g. water pipe and beer)
· Utilities – Phone, Flashlight, Book of Law, Lockpicks, Fire Extinguishers, ect.
· Furniture – Furniture.
· Weaponry – Guns, Melee Weapons, Ammunition, Magazines
· Food – Food and drinks
· Ingredients/Crafting – Crafting materials
· Misc. – Anything else that does not fit (may or may not be needed)

Optional additions:
- Improving the menus has already been accepted, this is simply an idea of how to do so.
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+support: By now it's hard to find item you are searching for in your storage (expecially the smaller ones) since it's all grey, also pistols' mags look like the same and i always take out the wrong one.
-support: I don't like the idea of showing the description (it's useless) and instead the same of cardealer i'd suggest to make each bar shorter (if the text would still be readable) so that you have 4 buttons each row and the ALL category isn't too long, but i still +support the idea overall
@Bamarin [IT] - Comment character limit was too short for this

The problem with making each item shorter is that then the image of the item would get smaller and less distinguishable. I find that having something that you can tell what it is at a glance visually rather than having to read things out is much better and it takes much less time to shift through things when you are looking for an image rather than text (seriously helpful to remember someone's avatar when looking for them on the scoreboard for something).
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