Stores close at a certain time (Idea)

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Leeds, England.
Before you read and comment about this, I understand that this may of been suggested before and it may of been considered, however I don't think anyone has really made a suggestion following the template and actually placed valid points. To be honest, I want you guys to comment and suggest what could be added with this - I feel that it's a good idea and should be added to the server.

Short explaination:
This idea is pretty much that upon the night-time in-game stores such as Fredy's, CoS, the bank and Jennifers close up for the night then to return and open again in the daytime.

How this should work (Detailed Description):
At a certain time within the game (around 8-9PM) the NPC's in the stores vanish and the shops are then un-usable, my initial idea was to (if it's possible) have the doors close and the lights of the shop turn out upon the closing of the shops and for it to use the algorithm from the drug dealer (when someone is using the NPC / in range of the NPC it does not vanish).

I'm not too sure if the lights and the doors closing are possible due to the lightmapping being a in-map thing and I doubt could be changed using server functions (something I know absolutley nothing about).

As I previously said, the system would work somewhat like the drug dealer - Where someone is in range of the NPC's then they do not vanish until the person has gone from the area (a certain radius) as people may be using the store at the time. If the automatic door timing was possible, the same system could possibly work for that aswell. (doors do not close if someone is inside)


I'd love to hear your feedback on this, and hopefuly a lot of features from what I have suggested can be added. I heard Stephen talking about this idea of the stores closing at a certain time, this idea enhances roleplay and also makes people actually think about the times of buying food and doing everyday things. Obvious things such as the police department and ownable properties will always be open. This may also encourage people to sell food within owned properties rather than wait till the morning to travel to Fredys and get food that way.

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What an awesome idea, I would like to see something like this. Nice idea @AyJay

The only thing I see wrong with this is, if someone is extremelly hungry they would need to use Fredy's to buy food. However, because, gas stations also sell food and are usually open 24/7 this could be another idea as they could instead use the gas station for food/drink until Fredys is open again.

+ support
That would certainly be more realistic, but some shops should also have night shifts imo.
I'll give you a small +support on this, as this is something that makes the server better, more realistic and more unique.

Can I also get an explanation for how the time in-game works?
+Support Great Idea! Would increase roleplay and make the game have a slight difficulty to it. I think Gas Stations should be 24/7 though!
"Ah hello sir how may I help you"
"Got any red bull"
"Sorry I drank it all"
"How about coffee"
"Also drank it all"

I completely agree with this idea shops being constantly open is unrealistic even if they are running on red bull.
-Support unlike in real life the only real difference between day and night is that at night its dark. You do not go to bed on PERP you just continue your normal life as you would when it's day. Also this could be very annoying considering nights are pretty long and you might not be able to buy something you need for what you wanted to do.
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-Support unlike in real life the only real difference between day and night is that at night its dark. You do not go to bed on PERP you just continue your normal life as you would when it's day. Also this could be very annoying considering nights are pretty long and you might not be able to buy something you need for what you wanted to do.
While true in some sense, the arguement from me then would be, why should we bother having a day cycle at all?

As said by OP I have talked about this before, just had no clue what public reception may be because of the annoyance it could be. However so far it seems to have received quite a lot of popular support. Which makes me think people would see the purpose and enjoy the added effect of in game time responding to something other than lightness/darkness.

However I will point one thing out right now as to make it clear, as the server always restarts to noon each day at the same time, each day may feel like it's about the same. So along with this change I view it important that the time on the server be saved each time it restarts, which should slightly vary when it is night time. Basically what I mean is when the server does its auto restart at 6AM when it comes back online it is noon, while with this change it would be whatever in game time it was when it restarted upon launch, not necessarily noon.

My main question about this idea that I have is, when people are inside a store when the store decides to close... What happens?
I was thinking maybe put it so the delivery man has to deliver items to the shops during night time? Thoughts?
[DOUBLEPOST=1422225782,1422225439][/DOUBLEPOST]@Hazza56 I had that question in mind, if there was a delivery man as I stated they would have to deliver the items. As well if there is non then they would be automatically delivered
I definitely do not think this would work so well. It's a good concept, but as someone said before, on PerpHeads you don't sleep. You just continue your normal life. Having stores close would just be a major inconvenience with not much added to realism. Sure the stores will close like in real life, but it really doesn't make that big of a positive change.
Another thing is that stores in real life close at night because noone buys stuff or is really out and about at 2am, however in PH people are. So if people will buy stuff, then the store would stay open.
People run around like its day in PH even when its 2am and people are being shot on the street, no one has any sense of fear in the gamemode as dying doesn't cause anything except from waiting 5 minutes to respawn, closing the shops won't do anything except cause an annoyance, adding zombies that spawn at night time would be more productive and cause people to go inside at night like they should be. (I'm joking btw, some of you are quite dense)
@StephenPuffs as previously said in my post, I was hoping it could work like the drug dealer system. Where when users are in a certain radius, the doors close and the NPC leaves.
+ support this really is a sweet idea making the day/nightime cycle more realistic.
''Where when users are in a certain radius, the doors close and the NPC leaves. '' what will happen when someone stays inside the shop to keep it open for other users ?
When shop gonna close there will be a message saying " shops i closing in 10 / 5 mins" after that time you will get pushed outside the door . Not best idea but well
would be more realistic, add a 7/11 or 24/7 on one of the petrol stations for late night shoopers
I'd just like to clear something up, people keep asking "what happens when I am in the shop and it's time for the shops to close".
My initial idea was for the NPC and the doors detect when a player is within the property, and only then would the doors close and the NPC leave.

As for the complaints on "the city never sleeps" - This is kind of the point of this idea, the fact that it makes people actually think about their roleplay life and plan ahead before night-time and make sure they're stocked up on materials, etc.

I mean, the same can be said for the drug dealer - What happens when someone stands in front of it? Well, it stays there - But I highly doubt anyone will 'camp a shop' in order for their friend to get materials.

I like the idea of this, possibly 10 minutes prior to the shops closing a message could pop up informing you that they will close; or better still a text message from the shop-keeper telling you. The text message could work like the drug dealer, once you've bought quite a bit of stuff from him - That's when he starts to message you.
No need to over complicate things with all this wait for players to be outside a certain radius shit, Just teleport them out.

This is a great idea, It would stop people from going outside at night, It could also help with making people afraid of going out at the dark, because there is not many npcs, there so they could get mugged.

I will add more, when I get home from school.
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