The Death Wish
"Call the men!" said the commander as he fell of his horse to the ground.
"Are you ok sir?" one of the men shouted
"Can you not see?" "What does it look like you fo.." the commander could not continue his sentence as he continued to cough out blood.
"Commander should we tell General Albert about this?" asked the squire.
"No" "My father told me I was to young and know I am dying he will hate me for eternity..." "Do not tell him until we have won ok?" then he looked at he squire with all his strength and said, "Tell my wife I love her and...k..k..ill...t..h..e kin..nnn...g" whispered the commander to the squire.
"Yes M'lord" said the squire as the commander smiled at him and fell to the ground before him.
He then looked behind him to see all the men that were called left a while a ago to continue fighting.
"These barbarians" "They don't even honor their fallen commander" said the squire to himself.
The battle soon ended at the men cheered and then king Albert approached the squire,
“So robb was it?” asked Albert.
“Yes your grace?” replied the confident squire.
“Where is my son Robert?” asked the king.
“He….He is currently…” the suddenly frightened squire was afraid that the king might have his head because he did not save the prince.
“Speak up Robb!” “What happened to my son!” shouted the king.
The frightened squire then got an amazing idea.
“May I lead you to Robert my king?” asked Robb
“Yes please squire” said the king
The squire took the king far from camp where no one will can see them and then walked up a hill.
“Look up my king.” Said Robb
The king then look up to the sky and then looked back down at the squire.
“Are you mad?” “Where is my son?!” shouted the king
“Up there!” Said Robb
“I can’t see my son!” “I am staring at the heavens!” Said the king
“Exactly.” Said the squire then quickly stuck a blade through the kings heart. “And you will be down there.” Said the squire.
The squire soon recognized the situation he has just put himself in and ran as far as he can from the crime. He had just killed the king of Aloma and if he was to be caught he would be put to death right away.
The Rising Kingdom
5 Years Later
“Will this disguise work, madam?”
“Ofcourse!” “Anyway who would hurt you Robb when your under the queens protection?” said the queen
“Queen Lily can you recognize the situation we are in?” asked Robb
“Yes, now stop wasting time and going in side the city!” said queen.
Robb was currently in Zinala, the capital of Aloma and he was going into dangerous territory. He needed to meet with a said to be hidden man which would train him and make him a better warrior. When he finished training he would be knocked out and will have to enter a city which was though to have been destroyed. While Robb was walking around the city suddenly a person grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him towards a abandon house. He then looked up and saw a person take a thick piece of wood and knocked him out. He soon woke up to find himself locked in a place which looks like a prison. He was really afraid and had no idea what to do. He looked around for something he could use to escape but there was nothing there. He thought that he was caught and imprisoned or this might be a test. He tried not to panic and sat down on a bench behind him and looked for a way he can escape. He then tried to sleep but he could not because the bench was really hard and is very uncomfortable. After an hour of staring at the cell door he saw a shadow emerging then he saw a person wearing a black jacket and his faced was masked.
“Who are you?” Asked Robb.
“I am the one you came to seek what is it you want?” said the hidden man.
“I want to be trained!” said robb.
Soon the shadow disappeared and the cell doors opened. Robb walked out to see a long hallway which was dark and another which was lit. He then though again of the test.
“Could this be a test?” “Am I supposed to walk to the unlit part of the hallway?” he said to himself.
Robb though hard and then got a brilliant idea. He then walked to the lit part of the hallway took a torch off the wall and entered the unlit area. He then he walked to the once unlit part of the hallway confident then suddenly the hallway went dark and Robb was Frightened. He decided that he must walk through with his courage for if he wanted to take down the now corrupt kingdom of Aloma he must be trained and ready for the fight. So he then felt something coming closer to him and stoped in the middle of the hallway. He then though of Prince Robert and his ambition to free Aloma from his father’s dark rule.
“This is for him…” “This is for Robert!” he said loudly while he turned around and started throwing punches.
Soon the light came back on and there was a man on the ground hurt from the punches.
“Very well Robb you have passed the first test and you showed us that you have a goal you will do anything to reach, here in Hozami it is a very brave thing. “I will train you and make you the best of all!” shouted the hidden man.
Like for the next part

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