studder stepping

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Main Idea: Increase recoil and decrease accuracy of the weapon to a unusable state (200-500% decrease) upon unrealistically strafing left and right.

Almost always during gunfights i see people do the rain dance when their shooting with a fully automatic weapon. At this point in time accuracy and recoil seem to be completely unaffected by this unrealistic movement. We have very realistic guns in perp but movement in shootouts like this still makes it seem like I'm on CS 1.3

Moving into a single direction can be accounted for but the strafing left and right quickly should trow you off balance greatly. See discussion post for video's

Why should it be added?: stops unrealistic movements.

Pros: No more unrealistic combats dances while shooting a full auto.

Cons: Frustrated fast shooting FPS players.
No need. Just report the player under section 2.1 (Play Realistically) if you feel you have to
Personally, I think that gunplay should be like Insurgency or Project Reality because it's more realistic, and people would favour semi automatic over fully automatic.
No need. Just report the player under section 2.1 (Play Realistically) if you feel you have to
Jesus that's quite ignorant, this suggestion is here for three reasons id imagine.
1. Make less reports and AR's staff would need to deal with.
2. Balance gameplay.
3. Reduce bans

At least that's what i'd imagine this was made for but if not SlayerDucl can correct me. So by saying people should be "reporting them" is ridiculous if a feature could be added to avoid that.
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