Studying In United States

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Hello Everyone,

I have been thinking lately to study computer science ( haven't decided which I should study to be exact) in the USA, and maybe live there for the rest of my life. for some reasons, I started to hate my own community (Israel), Arabs shooting each other over something you can easily forget about and Arabs stabbing Jews in act of revenge (you are killing innocent people for fuck sake). Anyway... for another reason if I went to a college ill find it hard to cope with others because I barely speak Hebrew (just the basics) as I find it a hard language to learn or its just me because since when I was a kid I had kind of an "agenda" to not learn Hebrew because I simply don't like that language.

I still hesitate if I should actually go to the USA, because what the media says about it makes you think 100 times before you even think about going there... kids shooting schools, adults doing massive shootings resulting in people dying, people went missing, etc

There is a lot of Americans in this community (Forum) that I would like to hear their opinions if I should actually go for it and if yes what should I avoid and which cities are "top safest" and where I should study and how much will it cost?.
Arabs shooting each other over something you can easily forget about and Arabs stabbing Jews in act of revenge

When it comes to university in the US, I heard that its pretty expensive (not sure americanos can correct me on that). When it comes to the safety most of the media is biased and anything to put Trump in a shit place. @Aquaa had mentioned multiple times that a shooting where 4 people are involved is counted as a mass shooting or something like that.

Keep in mind that the US isnt the only country you can go to. European countries like Germany have a good educational system and as far as I know college is free (you have to pay rent and food or smthn).
Right, I’ll safely tell you right now that you shouldn’t be hesitant about immigrating here because of what you see on the media. Yes, there’s evidently a problem however several instances are over-exaggerated in regards to what is called a “mass-shooting”.

I have lived in America for 16 years and I have NEVER heard a single gunshot that didn’t originate from My dad, my brother, or me at the shooting range. I have never even seen anyone get killed, stabbed, run over, etc. Currently iirc, Chicago is the most dangerous state in regards to gun violence but Chicago is shit anyways and there is pretty much 0 reason to go there.

I don’t know how much you can afford, but you should definitely look to live and study somewhere on the East Coast. California has too many homeless people and junkies, and they have way more people than they’re able to house and just general overpopulation (LA Area).

On the other hand, I live in Miami and it is pretty costly to live here but perhaps you could afford it if you’ve got good money and anyone you’re with is also working to help cover rent. Miami is by far the most beautiful city in the world (Prove me wrong) and there’s a reason why the worlds richest people have vacation houses here. If you want something more subtle try New York, lived in queens for 15 years and it was beautiful there.

Will be happy to further help you once you give me a little more information.
there's many other countries that would give you a better quality of living and education
unless you have a scholarship, USA is going to put you in debt pretty fucking far
the mass shooting shit is probably a bit over-exaggerated, but the big factor is quality of life and how much its gonna cost you
choose a more civilized country where welfare is ok and education is free (or tax-paid, whatever) there's many options in Europe for example
I'd be hesitant to migrate over 300k tuition fees with 0 loan, without living costs, unless your parents have found oil somewhere. You might have to end up working somewhere like Pollos hermanos.
Lol I want to move the fuck out of here too asap, just a country in war with a bunch of terrorists everyone here is an inpolite retard tbh, I hate nearly everything about this country let me out its 42c Im fucking burning alive when I go out
I know, that's why I'm hesitated... Israel is pretty much like the US but my dad's cousin had been living in Ohio I think and never had troubles
My relatives lives in Germany (been there over 10+ years) but I don't feel like it