Stun Grenade Change [DISCUSSION]

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United Kingdom
Hello friends, I'm sure we're all aware about the stun grenade changes that were recently done and it's been on the server for a lil bit now, I'm just wondering what's everyone's opinions on the current state on it?

IMO, it is going towards the right direction with making them a lot more effective than how they were before however I feel like I shouldn't be flashed when I 180 look away from it like this clip for example:

I don't know how it works technically but would it be a better idea to have the effectiveness done based on your eye angles? Because fully turning around shouldn't flash you imo.

Just seeing what everyone else thinks, I haven't really gotten a chance to be on the other side of things but I just think solely from the clip I've posted, it's a bit silly
I’ve had some moments since the update that definitely felt imbalanced. If I’m facing a wall the effects of the flash bang behind me should be minimal at best.
The reason why you get flashed quite badly is that distance from the stun grenade is now a factor in the impact of the effect. As you are standing right next to it, you will be badly impacted, and it would be even worse if you were looking at it.
The reason why you get flashed quite badly is that distance from the stun grenade is now a factor in the impact of the effect. As you are standing right next to it, you will be badly impacted, and it would be even worse if you were looking at it.
I just feel like that shouldn't have a major effect like it did, yes I would understand being only slightly blinded as I am quite close to it but the main thing is that I looked away and therefore should not have been as blind as I was, this is a common principle with flashbang in games where you look away from the bang to avoid the full detrimental effect and so this should follow the same type of logic in that aspect.
Please . Fix . Flash . bang.
I got flashed behind barricade looking down . Lost because of it . Tears running down my face. Monitor broken . Mouse broken. Keyboard broken. Typing with voice on iPhone 13 Pro Max.
Please . Fix . Flash . bang.
I got flashed behind barricade looking down . Lost because of it . Tears running down my face. Monitor broken . Mouse broken. Keyboard broken. Typing with voice on iPhone 13 Pro Max.
Bro Phoondos just lost a raid before he posted this LOL
Realistically flashes are so bright the light bounces off of the walls and will blind you even if not looking at them. Sometimes they work well, sometimes they work too well, sometimes they suck and barely work.
in the situation we were in earlier today that wouldn't explain why i was fully blind (not to mention i was looking at the ground)
Hello friends, I'm sure we're all aware about the stun grenade changes that were recently done and it's been on the server for a lil bit now, I'm just wondering what's everyone's opinions on the current state on it?

IMO, it is going towards the right direction with making them a lot more effective than how they were before however I feel like I shouldn't be flashed when I 180 look away from it like this clip for example:

I don't know how it works technically but would it be a better idea to have the effectiveness done based on your eye angles? Because fully turning around shouldn't flash you imo.

Just seeing what everyone else thinks, I haven't really gotten a chance to be on the other side of things but I just think solely from the clip I've posted, it's a bit silly
Realistically flashes are so bright the light bounces off of the walls and will blind you even if not looking at them. Sometimes they work well, sometimes they work too well, sometimes they suck and barely work.
That is what i was gonna say. The flashbang shouldn't flash just right infront of you. It should be able to bounce of walls so it can travel.
Once I was looking directly at a bookshelf and a flash landed beside it and it didn't do Jack shit. L bozo
Nerf the blind effect by making it not fuck you through solid opaque objects, buff the deafen effect because shits loud as hell.

How the fuck do people even get flashbanged like just close your eyes bro.
Just look away in the opposite direction, I promise I will not sprint through the door 2 seconds later.