[Suggestion] 1.5: Personal Details and Identity

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What rule do you wish to Add: 1.5: Personal details and identity.
Your version of the rule:
Players may not leak, Request, attempt to gain, or maliciously use the private and personal details of another player. Details Including (but not limited to) Passwords to accounts, Home addresses, Personal photos, and phone numbers of either other members of the community or there family, friends, etc. Must be respected and not shared throughout the community in game, the forums, PERPheads TS3, or steam chat. Players may also not pretend to be another member of the community beyond In-Character names in an attempt to damage there reputation.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

This is generally a rule in most MMORPG Games, and law in some countries. I feel as though it will just stop the Recent events and past events from reoccurring, or at least, deter them.
To be honest I think this falls under one of those unwritten rules rather than having to state the obvious to players.
Using personal info maliciously (or without the other person's consent) is never ok and you don't need a rule to state so
Yes because I’m sure the Olsen people wouldn’t have done those nasty things to garrett if they knew it was against the rules.

I don’t think this really needs to be said. Anyone with half a brain cell can figure it out, also, if I wanna call myself Jon Dayfat in-game it’s my god given right to do so. Unless the name is unrealistic xddd
Yes because I’m sure the Olsen people wouldn’t have done those nasty things to garrett if they knew it was against the rules.

I don’t think this really needs to be said. Anyone with half a brain cell can figure it out, also, if I wanna call myself Jon Dayfat in-game it’s my god given right to do so. Unless the name is unrealistic xddd
Players may also not pretend to be another member of the community beyond In-Character names in an attempt to damage there reputation.

Not really needed.

It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure their personal details are kept private. If you post your information online, then expect it to be available to everyone, that's rule #1 of the internet.

Not allowed to request details of another player?
The vast majority of players details can be retrieved from these two threads:

With those threads, I can determine your location, what you look like and where you work.

Just don't post your details online and you won't have to worry. If you do, then it's your own fault, you're basically asking for it.
just like girls who wear dresses and walk through immigrant neighbourhoods, just asking for it
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