[Suggestion] 4.4, road crew workers

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 4.4
Your version of the rule: add something along the lines that joining the job with the sole intention to repair a friend's car and then resigning isn't allowed, much like how people shouldn't run for mayor just to make the voting come faster. Maybe add a similar part to the rule regarding mayors so it's easily accessible by everyone as afaik not allowing people to run for mayor without the intention of being one was only mentioned in a post made by a staff member.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
I believe clarification is needed to avoid punishment of something considered to be common sense.
really comes under common sense imo, this wouldn't be needed.
I like this idea, but I think an in-game mechanic would be a better choice to implement.

IMO, I believe a good method to prevent job abuse (In nearly any form, be it mayor, medic, rc, whatever) would be for the NPC to give you a 30 minute period where you could not quit the job. You could still d/c of course but most players will be too lazy to go that far out of the way to evade. Now of course, a rule probably would be simpler, but this would require little to no staff intervention (Win-Win for staff and reporting players) and would be in character.
really comes under common sense imo, this wouldn't be needed.

Not everyone follows 'common sense' unfortunately and sometimes it helps to have everything written out to save people from "staff discretion" (Either staff or players). Adding additional definition to the rules may make it take a few seconds more to read the rules, however in an admin situation would be incredibly helpful to the staff members as they would not have to deal with a player becoming irate due to 'staff discretion' issues which are becoming more apparent in the community.

This is already against the rules. Joining a job is effectively a new life, not something that you can just hop in and out off to help your friends.​
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