[Suggestion]Change to rule 2.9

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:
2.9 Text Chat

Players must only use the available chat functions for their intended purpose (these are outlined in the ‘chat help’ section of the F1 menu). For example when using the /advert function players must use it realistically and for advertising purposes only. Players may not at any time attempt to bypass the OOC message limit. Organization chat is to be treated like a phone application, and as such players should be aware that other players would see them interacting in it. ‘Panic Binds’ may not be used in organization chat.

Your version of the rule: Players must only use the available chat functions for their intended purpose (these are outlined in the ‘chat help’ section of the F1 menu). For example when using the /advert function players must use it realistically and for advertising purposes only. Players may not at any time attempt to bypass the OOC message limit. Organization chat is to be treated like a phone application, and as such players should be aware that other players would see them interacting in it. ‘Panic Binds’ can be used in organization chat, unless being mugged as it would come under rule 3.4.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Well I think it should be added as if you're not using it in mugs to get yourself out of being mugged it is not that OP its just to call a quick flank without having to type loads in org chat if you're being raided or even raiding/ KOSing cops.

Pros: - Can't be used in mugging
- Call easier flanks
- Can't be abused if using it in a mug if rule 3.4 states it

Cons: - Maybe there will be more incidents where people use it during mugs
- Other than that don't see a problem with it
Well you would need to pull up your phone and click the "panic button" its the same as typing the message, people will see you do it
Org chat should be an actual application on your phone.

That'd literally nullify most rules trying to restrict it.
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