[Suggestion] Change to rule 5.3 Raiding

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Description of the idea: Let civilians that died in a raid be able flank again. after a certain time that has passed.

Why should this be added? (pros): [description/list of good aspects]

Shootouts will end way faster with civilians being able to flank again that's what the rule was meant to do in the first place. Just put a timer so after a certain time civilians that have died in a shootout be able to flank.

What negatives could this have? (cons): [list of all bad aspects]

I really don't see any cons at the moment it's better than shootouts lasting an hour I prefer normal cops having AS50's and at least be able to flank again.

*Other additions: It's pretty obvious that new rule didn't reduce the shootouts timer like it was meant to do so. infact shootouts take way longer now since cops play hide and seek and just camp since they know civilians can't return to the same shootout. while you're unable to push out since there's an AWP and another 6cops holding one doorway. they'll just wait for the next TFU wave to respawn and come back over and over again to the same shootout for the fourth time if they feel it's needed which has been the case most of the times. I really doubt how can a person find it fun dying in the same shootout over 3 to 4 times before one shootout is over as of now It's ridiculous.

I’m going to cite an example from experience here:

Once we had the whole (active) oneils org raid another huge organisation in a massive raid. Each side had over 10 people. Upon me dying, I was able to wait out my NLR and return to flank returning Defenders and we won. I was then able to profit significantly from the raid in question, acquiring several firearms.

I died in this raid, yet the rule allowed me to come back because we still had raiders inside, and I was able to make a massive fuckoff profit when in reality I really shouldn’t have been entitled to do so since I was technically killed in the RP sit in question.

What isn’t being accounted for in this suggestion is that in a raid situation, the flankers typically will be reentering the raid area and possibly also claiming profits doing so when in reality they shouldn’t take profits from the situation they already failed in.

There’s also the fact that the profit you’re gaining from raiding is directly from another players profits and the proceeds of previous profits and the only way to profit from a raid is to negatively affect other players, of course it should be hard.

The reason the Police can return to shootouts after dying is to enforce 3.4 in the sense that remaining on the scene of a crime puts you at more and more risk of incarceration or death.

Tactics to get around this can include:
- Having flankers for the raid before beginning the raid in position ready to strike once police have arrived on scene in numbers.

- If you die in a raid another shootout can be started by you and your resplendent friends in another location, this will pull any cops with NLR away from responding to the same shootout thus dividing the police force. This would be difficult if you’ve met your hourly raiding threshold, however makes sense that this would be an issue, as the more violent crime you commit, the more likely to eventually get caught you’ll have.

Previously I felt the same way about the game modes rules being more “cop based” however witnessing how certain people and organisations act in shootouts as a peepoohand moderator, I’ve come to understand why these restrictions are in favour of the police.

I personally think that making crime harder to detect by police at times would be far more beneficial. Even with rifle suppressors Assault rifles can be heard echoing throughout an entire district acting as a fucking dinner bell for cops. Bombs and grenades are significantly quieter than a 5.56 spec ops grade rifle!

tl;dr: nah moite sorry, I heard bank is pretty good pay nowadays tho
No thank you, shootouts are boring as fuck.

This is literally how every raid goes;

*Criminals get raided by cops
*Cops push up towards the base
*Criminals sit inside their shitty built bases
*Criminals just spray and kill cops who keep coming back
*Criminals never escape and if they do they don't hide
*Cops chase them for atleast two hours

This rule minimizes how many criminals make it out which reduces shootouts and the length of them, that's why I stand behind this rule.
how has that not become an even bigger problem now? crims have even less incentive to push out because even if they kill the cops they will just come back in 10 minutes, this makes the shootouts last even longer no?

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