Event Suggestion [Suggestion] How we will revive perpheads.com an awesome garrys mod community


Professional Stripper
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Discussion Post:
Main Idea: Create an event for the next week or month for a set up org war.

Full description of the idea: 2-4 active staff members E.g @Dom_ , @Collier are made owners of 2-4 orgs. Community members can register to join an org with 0 requirements. Organisations are all generated randomly. Each org is given an org storage with a budgeted arsenal of temporary guns. Have some sort of competition between every org I'm not sure for what to go with yet. 2.5 between gang war is very lenient, you shouldnt be able to KOS or anything aids, Kidnapping members to mug ect could be fine. Every org could be assigned a property or locations as their ends. E.G Office, Parker, Slums. Org members can gunpoint and threaten other orgs that enter their turf to create rp.

Why should it be added?: Save perpheads.com an awesome garrys mod community so developers actually have time to develop. @Ayjay

-Server would hit 20+ players
-Lots of crim rp that we've lacked
-Those that dont sign up can play cop or medic wich is given rp from this.
-At this point im thinking anything is better than nothing
-Allows time for devs to work on updates

-Passive rp could be affected even though theres currently none and the snowflakes that do it, cry theres none even though they get bored of it after a week.
Discussion Post:
Main Idea: Create an event for the next week or month for a set up org war.

Full description of the idea: 2-4 active staff members E.g @Dom_ , @Collier are made owners of 2-4 orgs. Community members can register to join an org with 0 requirements. Organisations are all generated randomly. Each org is given an org storage with a budgeted arsenal of temporary guns. Have some sort of competition between every org I'm not sure for what to go with yet. 2.5 between gang war is very lenient, you shouldnt be able to KOS or anything aids, Kidnapping members to mug ect could be fine. Every org could be assigned a property or locations as their ends. E.G Office, Parker, Slums. Org members can gunpoint and threaten other orgs that enter their turf to create rp.

Why should it be added?: Save perpheads.com an awesome garrys mod community so developers actually have time to develop. @Ayjay

-Server would hit 20+ players
-Lots of crim rp that we've lacked
-Those that dont sign up can play cop or medic wich is given rp from this.
-At this point im thinking anything is better than nothing
-Allows time for devs to work on updates

-Passive rp could be affected even though theres currently none and the snowflakes that do it, cry theres none even though they get bored of it after a week.
Cool event for one day but this will not revive the community. The evocity map release didn't attract that many players looking from game tracker? I think a lot of the players have moved on from the game and started to focus with real life stuff. If this event did work and maxed out the server to be honest the next day it will probably be the same player count. No one else replied with an idea to help revive the community I want to point that out at least the whole player base has seen this thread. Myself I have no ideas I have been banned for years and saw the server decreasing slowly over time. Most of the players were younger back then they had a lot of time to play now is different. Look at HZ it completely died a while ago PH is the last one if you want to revive it more people need to actively help the community on ways how. I don't know if they are I have been gone for a long time but seeing not one person replied to this suggestion makes me think that.
The map change hasn't fixed everything, but I don't think anyone was expecting it to. It has, however, improved the playerbase noticeably. A few weeks ago it was lucky to hit 20, now it is hitting max players most nights.

I'd say you're right in saying that the interest for the game itself has dropped though, I've noticed a lot of once successful communities being far less played now.
gmod has the same playerbase basically its mostly young people playing look at the biggest gmod server its mostly young kids that play star wars who knows and yeah I saw that it was 20 players but before it was steady
I was massively apprehensive about the entire map rotation, I played for a bit and noticed it’s actually quite brilliant.

I think it’d be a great idea to have some org war events, each org makes a really well defended base and they can plan out hits and raids on eachother. Staff members in control will ensure there’s a good concept of the rules but I genuinely think @Dom_ would get some phatty big boi raids back.

police, we getting raped in this dwdw