[Suggestion] Office Banner (V1.0)

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Date: 21st March 2015
Time: 21:48pm (GMT)​
Another suggestion which I have put together in order to improve the realism and functionality of the server and it's not about cars! Due to being reasoned into creating separate threads for each of my suggestions, here is the third of many - the office banner.


Office Banner

Short explanation:
The ability to put up a banner/sign on the office building when occupied.

Detailed description:

  • Here is the story I always seem to write on these suggestions. After hearing and watching many groups, organizations and gangs which have taken over the Office building such as BBC News, I thought this suggestion might be a good feature to represent these organizations/groups/gangs.
  • When the office is unowned, there will be now banner but when the office ispurchased, there will be a large sign on the front of the Office which is blank but then, if the owner of the Office wants to put up a banner, they can have up to show who currently owns the office and do it in style.
  • I am not sure about how the developers were going to do this but they could do it similarly to how the TV works or they could do it similarly to how the banners at Bazaar work
Optional additions:
  • EDIT: It would be good if it was a really large TV with a large radius (so people can see from far away), that way you could put a youtube video up just without sound to decrease lag and annoyance. Special thanks to Chris for suggesting this.
Feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment or reply, thankyou.
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I am all for this and have been since the old office in version 1, however the way this would work is probably more complicated than you think. I'm not completley sure, but I feel that this would be slightly harder than the bazaar / business occupied banners as it is on a larger scale and also the render distance of the actual sign would need to be significantly increased.

I do like the idea, however the functionality and the way it works would have to be discussed with @StephenPuffs
Yes, and let us be able to besiege other dirty buildings that fly a far inferior banners with our knights of glass co and trebuchets
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Seriously though, I wouldn't like 'banners' but I think just general signs would be a more realistic addition. it would be pretty nice to display organisation buildings in that manner. +Support :peanut:
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I would like to hear @StephenPuffs thoughts and opinion on this suggestion when possible. Thank-you for your replies and insight friends.
This may work just like how the shop signs were made, with the sign looking a bit differently, of course. Buy the office at the bank, set name/title and a description or something. Not a bad idea honestly, and it would be great to stop people from raiding the BBC News (not that I recall them broadcasting for some time now)


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