[Suggestion] Rule 4.10

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England, Norfolk
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 4.10 Camping/waiting at job NPC's

Your version of the rule:
Players should not stand around the NPC for long periods of time waiting for a slot or attempting to block other players from trying to talk with the NPC. One players cannot get what they want they should leave then return later.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

Prevents a wall of people blocking everyone.
Removes a reason for being AFK (Behind the PD doors)
Prevents clusterfucks in the PD lobby
Gives other players a chance.

This is a quick draft of an idea I came up with while patrolling with @Jordan meaning that it might change.
Believe it or not people want to play cop and I don't see why we should create a rule restricting them to in a way. If someone really wants to wait for a slot at the PD then so be it I don't see a problem with it.
We're already forced to wait most of the time because mayors enjoy putting the slots on 4 so just leave us be please.

10% of the mayor's put the police slots under 10 sometimes and 20 people want to be from the police force, no matter how many tickets they give them they won't move away from the NPC.
A better solution would be to add a queue system where a player talks to the NPC to join the queue the person at the front of the queue gets the job. However, anyone leaving the lobby will also leave the queue.
I agree with Walker. If people want to waste there time on the server waiting there then let them do it. Its not like its harming anyone else. But I do really like the sound of TinySlayer's idea.
No thanks, I like to run in at the last second and steal the job slot, crushing the hopes and dreams of the person who has been standing at the NPC for the past 45 minutes waiting to be cop.
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