[Suggestion] Rule 5.3 (30min NLR)

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.3 Raiding

Your version of the rule:

Civilians are not allowed to raid, or assist others who are raiding, an occupied property more than 3 times in a 60 minute period, or raid the same property more than twice in a 60 minute period. If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 30 minutes after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

The issue focused on Rule 5.3 Raiding, is mainly the 30 minute NLR given to a player from a property after previously been raided by person.

The reason why i think it should be removed is because it influences players to give Raiding a Property a chance with friends.

Numerous players of PERPHEADS AN AWESOME GARRY'S MOD COMMUNITY, have also discussed about this rule regarding the 30 minute timer. They have also seem to come to a conclusion that the issue given by Rule 5.3 Raiding, have been giving fellow players trouble in having to win raids; which then turns into a turn off because of the countless loss's they take due to police constantly arriving on scene.

In conclusion i hope we can all come to an agreement that suits both sides (mainly civilians), because of the recent topics always being discussed within the PERPHEADS AN AWESOME GARRY'S MOD COMMUNITY Forums.

Thank you guys for reading i hope you have an AWESOME day! :)

please take me serious
We should allow raiders to flank cops ONCE when there NLR expires. I believed this would be the initial idea when the rule was suggested to be implemented. The reason behind that rule was to stop WW3 from erupting on harbour lane or shady street preventing Couriers and RC from doing there job.

I remember a particular shootout in my days of being Officer Damien Wylde, Involving Wagwan raiding slums, and certain members (@Aero) were literally sitting on the border of there NLR Zone in there cars waiting for it to expire like scrubs.
We should allow raiders to flank cops ONCE when there NLR expires. I believed this would be the initial idea when the rule was suggested to be implemented. The reason behind that rule was to stop WW3 from erupting on harbour lane or shady street preventing Couriers and RC from doing there job.

I remember a particular shootout in my days of being Officer Damien Wylde, Involving Wagwan raiding slums, and certain members (@Aero) were literally sitting on the border of there NLR Zone in there cars waiting for it to expire like scrubs.
Should also apply to cops than they do the same (or likewise like getting a round on the highway to just return
We should allow raiders to flank cops ONCE when there NLR expires. I believed this would be the initial idea when the rule was suggested to be implemented. The reason behind that rule was to stop WW3 from erupting on harbour lane or shady street preventing Couriers and RC from doing there job.

I remember a particular shootout in my days of being Officer Damien Wylde, Involving Wagwan raiding slums, and certain members (@Aero) were literally sitting on the border of there NLR Zone in there cars waiting for it to expire like scrubs.
i wasnt in wagwan wym
This was back when I was called Damien Wylde and was ranked officer, before the rule being discussed was a thing, this was ages ago.
I do agree with your for the most part and I try to stay away from the whole PLPD vs Criminal debates but honestly I think the PD would never stand a chance in majority of raids if this was true as they would have to constantly watch their asses whilst also clearing out the threat inside.

The issue I see with most of these suggestions if they're too extreme and although you may have a point the fact that these suggestions are so extreme generally leads people to instantly disagree. I think what people need to do is work towards compromises that are not as extreme. And my compromise in this situation would rather than totally remove the NLR wait is to simply decrease it to 10 minutes after your NLR timer runs out.

The reasoning behind this is that if the people inside are good enough to hold of the PD for that amount of time they deserve the help and it also gives the PD time to establish a perimeter without being constantly harassed by flankers. This would be more fun for both sides I believe as the criminals can get help if they really need and the cops can have fun holding off flankers without being shot before they even get a perimeter down.
Remove the words "or assist others in raiding" ands it's easy peasy lemon squeezy
I cant really agree to that 10min nlr, as it wouldnt be a good thing for sweaters or civs. I still get a vibe of the 30 minute nlr timer afterdeath.
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