Supervisor needed for detective?

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Eat shit dirt bag
Som of you might not know that this has been accepted, well it has.

Now that that's out of the way, time to get to the real meat of this thread.
Is police supervisor status going to be needed for the detective job?
If the development and staff team all ready have decided, then I would love to know.
If it's not decided then this is thread can be used to discuss it.

In my opinion I believe it should Be supervised only, because supervisors will likely know both the rules and law in and out. And knowing the rules and law is som thing that a detective is going to need badly.

Sorry for any grammar errors, it might be autocorrect or just me being bad.


Pretty sure the staff team decided to not add a Detective job.
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England, Norfolk
Detective is a very complex job depending on how you roleplay it so I would say something like that maybe, however I have heard nothing about the Detective job so just roleplay as one even if you are standard officer.
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The status of the detective job is presently up in the air. As there has to be multiple changes to how certain things are handled, which after adding the new sergeant and lieutenant "restrictions" will be made easier for fear of abuse/misuse. Such as right now police can not effectively collect evidence, but rather destroy it on scene. This behavior is less than ideal as it leaves detective with nothing to build a case against the suspects. Also because there is really no sense of court or being tried before a conviction, what is the detective doing any of it for?

So overall there still are many unknowns regarding the job. It is neither 100% in or 100% out. The reason it is still under accepted is because it is something that I can see being worthwhile just unsure of some details albeit critical things.

So the sergeant/supervisor role is by no means the detective nor does it remove the need for one. In some ways it is required for the detective but not entirely. Basically our current plan was to buff up the police's ability to be organized before adding more specific internal jobs to it.

I hope this answers your question. If you have any thoughts on what I am unsure of what to do in certain parts of it, I would be happy to hear them.