Suppressors guide: How to use and what to use them on.

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Suppressors are an underused piece of kit that can make all the difference in how a gun performs. Typically users will only opt for suppressors on SMG's and pistols as they have low enough stock recoil, or in the case of pistols, remain the only usable muzzle attachment on the weapon. However: The world of suppressors extends beyond these two classes of weaponry, Every class of firearm except shotguns feature suppressors for the majority of their loadouts.

The suppressors on PERP currently at the point of this guide being made exist in the following calibers:


All suppressors on PERP Are calibre specific, meaning that you cannot mount a 9x17mm suppressor on a 9x19mm firearm such as the MP5. To find out what caliber your weapon is, simply:
- Take the magazine out of the firearm
- Read the name of the magazine.

The name format is typically along the lines of "5.45x39mm magazine (AK74U)". Simply pairing up the magazine name with the suppressors name will give you an idea of what the weapon is chambered in, therefor which suppressor it takes. There are no "shared suppressors" except the Compensator and flash hider, which will work on all semi, burst or automatic, non shotgun primary weapons. The M24 cannot take Flash hiders or compensators, and the L115A3 cannot take muzzle attachments.

Note that the luger, despite being 9x19mm, cannot take any form of attachment beyond a magazine, including a suppressor.

The benefits of a suppressor:
Suppressors offer:
- A quieter sound profile, ideal for loud guns like the Scar, MP5/10, and AK101.
- A 10% (IIRC) Reduction in overall recoil. However, compensators offer 20-25%.

Unlike on popular video games like battlefield and CoD, Suppressors do NOT:
- Reduce damage
- Reduce range
- Reduce penetration
- Reduce velocity.

Stats aren't reduced for using suppressors. The downside of using one however is they are priced the same usually as rifle compensators, which offer more recoil reduction for a very similar price.

Ideal weapons to suppress: Suppressor or compensator?

As the only available muzzle attachment for pistols, suppressors do serve as the only real way to reduce pistol recoil. The only reason to not use a suppressor on a pistol is cost.

When using an assault rifle typically a suppressor will be less favourable than a compensator. However, From my experience, the following weapons are what I feel to be the best weapons to use suppressors on:
- All pistols:
They are the only muzzle attachment pistols accept therefor by default the pistols are better with them than without.
The SCAR can easily be used without compensators therefor using a suppressor will only compliment the weapon more.
- M14
Virtually recoilless completely stock. The suppressor only helps.
- SR25
SR25's can easily be shot without not only any sort of muzzle attachments, but even stocks! (Try it at the gun range and you'll see what I mean, shit has no recoil)
- M16.
The weapon is incredibly accurate and has very low recoil. Also can accept a MK.2 scope, which can turn it into a deadly and noiseless sniper rifle.
- SIG SG550.
Its just a shit version of the M16 but it still also takes sniper scopes and is deadly accurate with a scope. The suppressor will also make it a ninja sniper. I consider the SG550 to be a sniper rifle more than anything else (albeit a pretty shitty one).
- AK-101.
The AK-101 is a complete powerhouse even without attachments.
- AK47
Despite its per shot recoil exceeding that of 5.56 weapons quite drastically, the AK47 overall handles similarly to them due to fire rate differences. I consider it to be controllable with just a stock, A suppressor helps mask the sound though.
- AK74U
My favourite Automatic rifle to use a suppressor on really. Pair it with an AK-101 stock or 47 stock if suppressing it however as it just makes the gun perform so much better.
- All SMG's
SMG's are incredibly viable weapons with their stock attachments. Suppressors make them dead quiet, more so than rifle suppressors, Giving almost complete silence at longer ranges as a new advantage of using weapons optimised for shorter ranges.
- M24
The M24 is just for sniping and essentially nothing else. Not ideal for close range. The M24 isn't necessarily loud on its own, but with the suppressor, it makes it a complete unit. Theres been times where TFU snipers have killed suspects with this weapon without their friends knowing.

Weapons that benefit more from compensators than suppressors:
Weapons I don't necessarily suggest using a suppressor on, since the compensator exists and befits the guns function much better:
G36C, FAMAS, Sako, M4A1, G3A3 (unless using it to snipe), Enfield, AUG. For these weapons, a compensator is suggested. It takes time to develop skill to use these weapons incredibly efficiently without a compensator.

I'm not telling you not to do it, Theres been times where I've done really well with a stock FAMAS and times I've flopped completely with M82s or G3A3's. If you know how to use these weapons without compensators, then go ahead and use suppressors.

Developing the skill level to use suppressors on your own gun of choice:
Simply use the weapon you plan on using a suppressor on without compensators, be it in actual combat as both TFU or a criminal, or just practicing in the gun range. If you can control the weapon without a compensator, you'll have no issue controlling it with a suppressor.


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