Swat team and medic

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Sky-Walker
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Rob Hillman, Sean Mullins, Mike Dous, Marc Ranson, Edward Gorol.
His/Her SteamID: unknown
Reason: Medic called the cops at gunpoint, then swat move in although we had an officer hostage.
Evidence:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/207369463/perpheads_demo_2015-1-11 19-02-00.dem
Tick: Starts at 4000 for medic gunpoint.
Tick 8000 for when SWAT first breach but stay outside this time
at 17000 you can see the SWAT breach even though they know we have an officer hostage and told them to back off, we also told them our demands.

****Also Refund Request, i myself lost an AK, Garry Arnalds lost a MP5, and ash lost a gun but i am not sure which one he had ********
While we were waiting for the LT the SWAT team was getting shot from behind, I was badly injured and almost died. We did care about the hostage but Marc our leader ordered us to move in even though I asked him if he was sure. I'm not blaming it all on Marc but I think he ordered us in too early. Maybe because people were attempting to kill us from the behind?

I'm sorry that in the end we went in regardless but please remember we were being attacked while having a negotiation. They fired first.
This is Marc. I Do respect that you guys were bleeding and that is why i moved in first. To make sure none of my officers died. Paramedics were not responding for some reason. I Don't believe there was any at that moment and that's why i told you to breach. Sorry if you took it as a "Breach n' Shoot"
I'm pretty sure I was spectating this raid. From what I saw, the police negotiated with the men inside glass Co, but at some point the police and swat got ambushed from behind.
This, in my opinion gives the police enough reason to believe the hostage takers called for backup resulting in a shootout. So after the ambushers got shot, police should proceed to end the hostage situation without negotiation. And they did so successfully.
Well if you say that you had a hostage and wanted to negotiate you shouldn't attack them. It would be the same if you said "We have a hostage don't come here" And start shooting them. Same thing. In my own opinion if you wouldn't attacked them then they would breach.
We did not shoot them, they got ambushed by others and i believe they should of dealt with the ambushers and then continue negotiating, not deal with them and then go in and get a hostage killed, also in character the police would have no evidence to prove that we did call backup.

I still believe that SWAT should never at any costs put a hostage in danger, it just would not happen in real life, he was a innocent cop that turn't up to the wrong crime scene when the medic called when he was at gunpoint. They are getting shot at from behind fair enough, but then they come in and get the hostage killed.
Marc was being shot at around the back, and the lt was ignoring everyone even when off the phone. As stomper said yesterday, you don't negotiate with police while shooting at them.

According to @Sky-Walker you guys called another org for backup which opened fire on the cops, which means
the cops can't risk letting you guys get away and had reason enough to raid.

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