Bummer, the original goal was to get both player and staff to threat our Howard like a new player. Kinda sad you leaked this out so early Chris. Its clearly intended for entertainment and not to evoke any negative views. What happened here is basically the same as when i joined, i got mugged and raided all the time to but i lack footage of that. I put myself in risky situations such as basing in hicktown as seen from the video.
I don't have enough footage yet for a part 2 but cat's out the bag now! But maybe howard will return, with a different name
The result of this video seemed to have a very positive outcome on the server, today i saw players actively seeking out to help seatervests get started! While this positive vibe may only be short lived just remember, if you fuck with the wrong sweater you might find yourself in a explosive situation
If you have given me any items and feel 'scammed' that this character was not a real sweater let me know and I'll gladly refund you! I roleplayed... while roleplaying. Without breaking any rules obviously i pretended to know nothing, grew a single pot and let everyone in who knocked on my door
Sorry to fool all of ya but it was for a good purpose, keep trying to help new players get started and we can keep expanding into a better community.