Switched back to v4?

@Panda And I can hardly find one person who actually wants to be a normal human being and not some monkey with an ak who wants to shoot you on sight if they can find any reason to. None of these spaztards have any common decency when it comes to people wanting to chat, hang out or RP. I joined for one single day on Evo and found a big RP establishment, I was actually surprised to see it because the server had been barren for ages and people were actually participating and to some degree acting like a normal person, with the occasional shooting of course. Evo did one thing right, everything important was centralized for the most part, which keeps people together on a big map, you meet more people and the streets seem FAR less empty because of that, unlike Paralake. People play this like it's an FPS (it's not meant to be, evo neglected framerates because it literally wasn't meant to conform to csgo players' standards), it's not but since people kept whinging about how shit this and that was, eventually developers just gave in and conformed to their retarded ideals that this is how perp is meant to be, there's also a significant portion of ignorance from staff and their priorities are completely misguided, barely any staff enforce the rules for roleplay's sake, they enforce them verbatim, almost always regardless of roleplay context (there have absolutely been staff who did it for roleplay's sake, I didn't miss this, I just can't name people who did because I don't remember).
TL;DR: I agree with Daymon, It's an RP server but people play it like a TDM, Paralake is far more barren than Evocity because Evo was built for RP with centralized shops and apartments, not shooting. Staff enforce the rules verbatim rather than based on roleplay on a case by case basis. (Though there are exceptions where staff permit certain passive-rp scenarios to take place)
Perp is a glorified TDM gamemode, change my mind.
@Exnem hit the nail right on the head... server is never going to improve if people keep seeing it as a fps server rather then an rp one
Server was much more active with V2 and I really enjoyed it. Personally I don't think there's that much of a difference since they're both paralake maps anyway but maybe those players enjoyed V2 more than the rest of the maps.
@Exnem The server obviously thrives more in the current state. It isnt 2014 where serious rp is gmod’s focus. Perp was never even made for seriousRP and perpheads has clearly proven it can be done to some extent but you cant just say the server is dying and its bad to have an fps element to it in some way.
evocity is complete shit change my mind

But Arent u Banned ? U don't get an opinion ............ Lol .
@Panda Most of the newer players I see joining end up leaving again because there isn't enough of a focus on the RP element. Obviously guns are there for a reason but that shouldn't be the main focus it is now (that, and police rp). As such, they leave. In the off chance they stay it's because they think they might as well, probably because they like a shooter, and this is something they can progress in and so on.

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