Suggestion Title: TFU Tranist (not just a new skin)
Suggestion Description: Add a new vehicle to TFU, the ford transit.
No, not just the same old for transit with a new skin, but allow TFU to gear up like they would at the SWAT Van.
In reality SWAT would respond in vehicles where they can carry extra gear and this way feels like the perfect balance.
Its not fast, its not extra armoured.
But, it can carry a fair few officers aswel as carry the bonus of allowing TFU to gear up without having to bring out the SWAT van.
Why should this be added?:
- More variety for TFU
-Ability for officers to gear up at scenes rather than returning to PD etc.
-Bnje can stop crying that RTU get all the new cars
What negatives could this have?:
- Unbalanced (but crim get ak)
What problem would this suggestion solve?: -TFU unable to gear/having to return to station to gear up.
Useful Images:
Suggestion Description: Add a new vehicle to TFU, the ford transit.
No, not just the same old for transit with a new skin, but allow TFU to gear up like they would at the SWAT Van.
In reality SWAT would respond in vehicles where they can carry extra gear and this way feels like the perfect balance.
Its not fast, its not extra armoured.
But, it can carry a fair few officers aswel as carry the bonus of allowing TFU to gear up without having to bring out the SWAT van.
Why should this be added?:
- More variety for TFU
-Ability for officers to gear up at scenes rather than returning to PD etc.
-Bnje can stop crying that RTU get all the new cars
What negatives could this have?:
- Unbalanced (but crim get ak)
What problem would this suggestion solve?: -TFU unable to gear/having to return to station to gear up.
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