Police Suggestion TFU Transit (not just a new skin)

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Suggestion Title: TFU Tranist (not just a new skin)
Suggestion Description: Add a new vehicle to TFU, the ford transit.

No, not just the same old for transit with a new skin, but allow TFU to gear up like they would at the SWAT Van.

In reality SWAT would respond in vehicles where they can carry extra gear and this way feels like the perfect balance.

Its not fast, its not extra armoured.

But, it can carry a fair few officers aswel as carry the bonus of allowing TFU to gear up without having to bring out the SWAT van.

Why should this be added?:
- More variety for TFU
-Ability for officers to gear up at scenes rather than returning to PD etc.
-Bnje can stop crying that RTU get all the new cars

What negatives could this have?:
- Unbalanced (but crim get ak)

What problem would this suggestion solve?: -TFU unable to gear/having to return to station to gear up.

Useful Images:


The purpose of being able to gear up in TFU gear from the TFU van, is because there is typically a confirmed threat to life towards Officers or the General public, and allows TFOs to gear up accordingly, am not too sure what purpose a Transit van would serve other then to be a smaller, less armoured, less mobile version of the SWAT van, therefore making it obsolete in my opinion.
I'd love it for the sheer meme value but I can't help thinking it would never be used, much like the other transit vans available to patrol - they are too slow to be viable.
Upvote, I will enjoy kill ejecting TFU and five of their goons faster from the clown van they're operating
Upvote, I will enjoy kill ejecting TFU and five of their goons faster from the clown van they're operating
I was going to downvote cause imo it’s silly to waste dev time on this. After reading your strat, I think I’ve had a change of heart

heavy gear in a transit van which u can just shoot at and eject the people inside?
You can do the same with the Range Rover?

The main part of the suggestion is being able to have another vehicle to gear/rearm at which isn’t the brute.

If you had 2 transits out you could be very tactical, one in subs one in business and then any officers responding can use the correct gear for a situation.
You can do the same with the Range Rover?

The main part of the suggestion is being able to have another vehicle to gear/rearm at which isn’t the brute.

If you had 2 transits out you could be very tactical, one in subs one in business and then any officers responding can use the correct gear for a situation.
yeah but then it wouldnt be used, why would they take a slow transit over a range rover
yeah but then it wouldnt be used, why would they take a slow transit over a range rover
Because the Range Rover does not have the armoury capability, which is the whole point of the suggestion.

Being able to change to heavy or change from shotgun to sniper without having to return to pd is very useful.
The transit could be used for a no knock on a warranted property for like murder because the engine sounds familiar other than the obvious FAT engine of current tfu brute
We already have the Escalade and SWAT Van which serves both purposes I see no reason to add a transit.

Allowing TFOs to switch gear from a patrolling authorised vehicle is not something I want to see for my division and basically would invalidate the SWAT Vans presence to a raid.

I’m trying to make and have implemented a TFU Skin for the Escalade that would serve all other purposes this transit has (high capacity patrol vehicle) Better but as it stands, there’s no reason for it really.

You can do the same with the Range Rover?

The main part of the suggestion is being able to have another vehicle to gear/rearm at which isn’t the brute.

If you had 2 transits out you could be very tactical, one in subs one in business and then any officers responding can use the correct gear for a situation.
Rover is faster and more resilient. You could do the thing with the 2 transits you’re claiming would be tactical with 2 range rovers probably to more avail.

If cops want something that can be patrolled in that functions as a mobile armoury I’ll start texturing a pickup truck for that ig.
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