The Ability to take handcuff keys from a dead/unconscious officer...

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Topic: When an officer is either dead or unconscious you have the ability to take the handcuff keys.

Short explanation (in notes):
- When an officer has been killed/knocked out, you are able to take his handcuff keys and help someone out of his cuffs.
- The keys are assigned to whoever put the cuffs on the player (You can only uncuff a player when you use the keys of the officer that placed the cuffs on the player).
- The player who has taken the keys can then uncuff the player and let him free.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Having this means that if an officer is knocked out/killed, the player is not stuck in the cuffs for ages, as a nearby player will be able to take the keys and let the arrested man free.

Optional additions:
- You could possibly assign E as the key to take the keys, and Left or Right click to unlock the players cuffs.
- Once the officer re-spawns, the player no longer has the ability to take his keys.
I can see where you want to go with this, but I think it might get abused somehow. If you're cuffing a guy and his friend(s) are nearby and see it, they could just knock the officer out to release his friend and run off before anything else is happening..

If there is a way to prevent this either by rule or another way, I'll gladly +support it, but for now, I'm neutral.
+-neutral (more a -support)
As Hulapyk said, it can become abused. And i wouldn't see this ingame. Let's do an scenery like this:

4 Officers are on scene in the clothing shop in subs
Player 1 becomes arrested from Officer 1
Player 2 kills Officer 1 and press E on the body and tries to dodge the shots from the officers.
Player 2 avoided to get shot from the officers and press right click on Player 1
Player 1 and 2 takes cover and Player 2 gives Player 1 a gun
Player 1 and 2 shoots all 3 officers.

Yea... something like that but it should take at least 10 seconds to get the keys from the officer.
But i would hate this game if something like the scenery happens. Finally arrested a criminal but become shot from a random
guy and he is now able to escape.
Well just like mcfreakkuh said! A timer would be cool to stop abuse! Just like a timer when you're equipping a gun or equipment! So for now +Support
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+-neutral (more a -support)
As Hulapyk said, it can become abused. And i wouldn't see this ingame. Let's do an scenery like this:

4 Officers are on scene in the clothing shop in subs
Player 1 becomes arrested from Officer 1
Player 2 kills Officer 1 and press E on the body and tries to dodge the shots from the officers.
Player 2 avoided to get shot from the officers and press right click on Player 1
Player 1 and 2 takes cover and Player 2 gives Player 1 a gun
Player 1 and 2 shoots all 3 officers.

Yea... something like that but it should take at least 10 seconds to get the keys from the officer.
But i would hate this game if something like the scenery happens. Finally arrested a criminal but become shot from a random
guy and he is now able to escape.

(On phone)
Firstly explain what stops that happening from now? People can just use Bobby pins to do the exact same thing so I think the situation you created there isn't a very good example of what could go wrong with this idea.

Secondly, that would be putting his life at risk if he began to 'dodge bullets' when getting the keys and would be completely unrealistic, another flaw in this situation.

Finally I do respect your opinion however the situation that you have made could happen now and would be extremely unrealistic.

I do like your idea of having 10 seconds or so to retrieve the keys, that is what I had in mind but I did forget to write it down.

Edit for Holy:

You should be able to give, take, steal keys in general.

Give keys:
When someone wants a quick ride with your car, you can just throw, trade a key to them so you don't have to add them as a friend.
This could also be used to threaten an officer to give the handcuff keys. (This would require handcuff ID's so keys can only be used on 1 handcuff).
This way you can mug people for their car.

Take keys:
When someone dies, you can take their keys (car keys, handcuffs etc) which would make roleplay more realistic.

Steal keys:
You can steal the keys if for example a car is left opened or something.
(Wouldn't see this implemented since it's allot to code, like leaving the key on a car)
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This is a really good idea because its takes time to go get a pin to take cuffs of someone and most of the time it breaks so ya if you can get keys of an dead cop is a really good and helpful idea so a +Support from me :)
I agree with Nick (hah)
Keys in general (cuffs, car and house) should be able to be dropped by players. Perhaps some keycutter NPC could replace the current menu permissions system. Going back to the original point I fear that if keys can only be removed from dead cops some people will see randomly killing cops for their keys as a justifiable action
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