The Belinsky Family Applications

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Please copy and paste this format anything that has an ' * ' next to the question must be answered.

OOC name*:
IC name*:
Firearm Level*:
Current Bank Funds:
In-game play time*:
Which Belinsky Family members do you currently know? if so who and to what extent*:

Here is an example:

OOC name*: Liam
IC name*: Liam Belinsky
Firearm Level*: 85
Current Bank Funds:
In-game play time*:
1 Month
Which Belinsky Family members do you currently know? if so who and to what extent*:
I know every family member.

Please also make sure that the colour of the text you use to reply is the same as the one I used. Orange.
OOC name*: [PH] Loejseren
IC name*: Abdi Abdullah
Age*: 15
Firearm Level*: 51
Current Bank Funds: 1.3 million, and i got lots of drugs.
Vehicle: BMW 507, Transit and Mini Cooper.
In-game play time*: 4 weeks.
Which Belinsky Family members do you currently know? if so who and to what extent*: Kenneth Walker, Michael Bishop, Josef Manner, Jian Belinsky, Tobi Comrade and Clark Thompson. I know all of them very well.
OOC name*: -hg- Blicky
IC name*: Johnathan Whip
Age*: 15
Firearm Level*: 29
Current Bank Funds: 130,000
Vehicle: Ford Transit
In-game play time*: 3 days
Which Belinsky Family members do you currently know? if so who and to what extent*: I don't personally know any of the family members however I have seen some of you around like liam, and James.
OOC name*:BelgLmfao
IC name*:Tyrese Jamallkins
Firearm Level*:67
Current Bank Funds: 157k(didn't sell drugs yet)
Vehicle: Fully tuned mazda rx-7 (worth 1.3m) and a Mercedes c32 AMG
In-game play time*:3 weeks (almost 4)
Which Belinsky Family members do you currently know? if so who and to what extent*: Tobi Comrade(know him since Evocity and played with him a bit), Liam Belinsky(we grew together a few times with Ash but when you joined The Belinsky Family, our contact was a bit less), Clark Thompson(always sold guns/ammo to him and grew with him in skyscraper a few times with other old Belinsky members)
OOC name*: Declan
IC name*: Dexter Kingston
Firearm Level*:3 (am working on currently)
Current Bank Funds:around 50k (am working on currently)
Vehicle:Evo VIII 1 With acceleration upgrade
In-game play time*:5-6 days
Which Belinsky Family members do you currently know? if so who and to what extent*:Ethan Belinsky, in-game friend. Joe bishop, recently became in-game friends
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