The 'Best' Name You Ever See Someone Have In PH

Bulky-Football Player
Alfa-Boss Ninetynine-Boss
Sean Skinner

Some people found my old name I used 3 years ago funny (Rocky Toe) staff forced me to rename several times :(
Jotaro Kujo
Star Platinum
Lou Lee-Lover
Yare-Yare Daze
Squid Ward
Sponge Bob
Patrick Star

i got banned once for the spongebob ones and force renamed for the rest, worth the money

Kage-Bunshin No-Jutsu
Efelarpi Ping-Wing
Dindu Muffin

i'd like to thank @Collier for not banning or warning me for these names fucking closet weeb
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Jotaro Kujo
Star Platinum
Lou Lee-Lover
Yare-Yare Daze
Squid Ward
Sponge Bob
Patrick Star

i got banned once for the spongebob ones and force renamed for the rest, worth the money
we get it you like jojo god damn weeb
I had Mayor McCheese for a short time before changing to Nigel Fromage