The C word

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Niko's PC
Right, this is a controversial topic about "The C Word" and what context it is best to use it in.

The C word is Cancer. This is a very common term on the Internet and PERP. Personally, I do not like it for obvious reasons with my family and such.
I still find it comedic when used in the right way such as calling someone's behaviour Cancerous as that differs from the word and is not used maliciously. Saying someone is Cancer can still be funny but sometimes is not appropriate imo.

The worst context to use this in is wishing someone had cancer . Such as "Fucking police nerds hope you get cancer"
Say this and I'll fucking kick off.

Don't piss me off
I know how you feel. I've had someone extremely close to me die from cancer. Personally I think it's been overused and has now reached "Cringe status". But I still believe that people should be able to do and say what they want. So just brush it off because I don't think it'll go away anytime soon.
People say it in-character and since this is OOC it would be metagaming to stop saying that in-character.
The extent to which some people constantly scream insults is detrimental to roleplay at times, however if we begin to ban stuff like this ingame, we run the risk of becoming a safespace community. (see the recent shoutbox aidsfest for reference to the communitie's views on this.)

If someone is saying it over and over and is intentionally targeting you, make a report about it, continous spam of any kind is disallowed. Even if it's in character, if people are being idiots they will be punished.
Im used to insults like this and I admit I really hate it. But targeting my family with this will need a ban just to get me to back off since I have zero tolerence when its targeted against the people closest to me. We have gone through this before and I don't wish it to happen to anyone.

Those who use this word incorrectly will find my tolerence not very good with this kind of thing.
If you think that it's okay for me to call people aids etc but not okay for me to say their cancerous just because you've had someone you know effected by it then you're just a little too sensitive in my eyes. I mean how things are online today i don't really think just because a disease doesn't have a cure it should be solidified as a word that no one can use in jokes.

tldr; i'm the sort of person that thinks within a joke context there aren't really any words that you shouldn't use
It's the internet lol
People saying shit on the internet isn't a new thing. You can always unplug your internet cable if it's triggering you so much and frankly, random people on the internet don't really care that much even if you do have a personal history with said words.
It's like saying someone is literally Hitler because we accociate Hitler or in this case cancer as a bad thing. Soon people will be saying "You are utterly ISIS" or "This is such TB".

Plus if something offends you on the internet like Imperial Watch said; nothing is stopping you from turning off your computer.
Can I ask you what the point of even posting this was? You get offended over a word? Ok, thanks for letting me and everyone know. I lost alot of family to cancer too but I just don't get how you can get mad over that. Maybe you are just easily offended.

Edit: If you had someone that you knew that was murdered would the word murder trigger you too?
I understand where you're coming from. The term cancerous and cancer can also be used to mean fast or extreme. I've had professionals such as doctors and teachers use terms like "The infection can spread like cancer" or "This individual is truly cancerous (extreme and vile).

However this being the internet, there's no way you can stop anybody from using the terms they prefer or want to. Obviously on forums or OOC context if you tell them not to use it and they still do then action should be taken.
I see where you are coming from bud, and to be honest losing someone due to cancer or any other horrible thing you must move on, I understand you would lose it if someone offended you by saying this but, this is the internet and the toxic and salt won't ever stop for a long shot, I have to not take things personal. I met a person in PERP a while ago and ic I said "fuck off you autistic little kid" after some rp of course, he made a report and I was told not to say this to him as he turned out to be Autistic in real life and lucky to live, I won't be saying names... but my point is he did not get upset he later told me his story and accepted my apology, so you are not the only one that will get upset about someone saying shit that you take personal.

Moral of the story, This is the internet and we have to learn to live with it and not take stuff personal from what people say ;)

P.S am sorry if you lost anyone in you're family circle that died due to Cancer it really is horrible and I hope you get over it soon and live on <3
Btw I meant this OOC and IC is fine. shit happens just learn to know when to use it.
I don't use the word in that context ever, not because I'm worried about offending somebody (because I would agree that people getting offended over words is ridiculous) but that I feel it's just disrespectful to those who have died because of cancer. I don't think the staff team should fucking crack down or whatever lmao but I will remind people that they are being slightly disrespectful when they use the word cancer in the context you described.