the existence of "w cops"

it's as effectively depicted as a cuffed guy opening the car door and getting in. in the server if you get in a car you're teleported inside and the getting in part is not depicted as an animation or text automatically or manually. Therefore it is not depicted by definition.
I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word depiction. Contrary to what you claim it is depicted by definition. The animation of the door opening when you press E and you teleporting from outside the car to inside the car is literally a depiction of the action of getting in the car.
whether it's important / significant or not is arbitrary and is subjective to you since you just clearly stated the rule said "depicted" so you don't get to cherrypick what is important or not when the rule explicitly states "may only be used to preform actions that cannot be effectively depicted,"
It is not more arbitrary than any judgement you have about anything. And I think it would be dishonest to claim that there are not more important and less important elements to actually physically depict in-game wether that be through an animation or text. I mean even the fact that you already have a consensous of staff members, honorary members and others claiming that getting in a car while cuffed IS NOT effectively depicted points to it not being arbitrary. Some sort of consensus is already formed. Now of course it is subjective but all rulebreaks are up to staff discretion and to some degree their interpretation of the rule in question.
you punished this player for something he did here

yet when this happened nobody got punished

So with all due respect I am not accepting your word as final.
With all due respect, you're weird.
I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word depiction. Contrary to what you claim it is depicted by definition. The animation of the door opening when you press E and you teleporting from outside the car to inside the car is literally a depiction of the action of getting in the car.
i see what you're saying though, I stated multiple times already I am on board with a loading bar but I also want the bug of stopping a car fully by grinding on the side of it to be looked into just as much if the whole point is realism.
Some sort of consensus is already formed.
that's based on several people arguing that because people were punished for something then it must be against the rules. This is easily disproven by the fact there is the existence of accepted disputes and we can easily look at that. The difference between a concrete impermissible action and a action which is looked at as impermissible by a staff is the fact a staff can use their discretion and be wrong but the concrete impermissible action is always impermissible due to high staff blatantly stating it or the rules being explicit upon the forbidding of that specific thing. Both of those requisites are lacking here and instead I have one staff member who recently made an error in his judgement and several honorary claiming a side but not sufficiently providing evidence or reasoning other than what the aforementioned weak reasoning which isn't concrete or enough to prove their side correct.
i see what you're saying though, I stated multiple times already I am on board with a loading bar but I also want the bug of stopping a car fully by grinding on the side of it to be looked into just as much if the whole point is realism.

that's based on several people arguing that because people were punished for something then it must be against the rules. This is easily disproven by the fact there is the existence of accepted disputes and we can easily look at that. The difference between a concrete impermissible action and a action which is looked at as impermissible by a staff is the fact a staff can use their discretion and be wrong but the concrete impermissible action is always impermissible due to high staff blatantly stating it or the rules being explicit upon the forbidding of that specific thing. Both of those requisites are lacking here and instead I have one staff member who recently made an error in his judgement and several honorary claiming a side but not sufficiently providing evidence or reasoning other than what the aforementioned weak reasoning which isn't concrete or enough to prove their side correct.