The Morrissey Family Applications

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United Kingdom
Welcome to the family applications.
This is the template you can use to apply:​
Name IC/OOC:
Why do you want to join the family:
Do you know anyone in the family:
Do you love Nottingham:

We will accept most people, so dont be shy! Unless you ain't from deez streets innit. You gotz to know that life.

Also, before applying listen to the morrissey family local grimer Little T:
Name IC/OOC: Johnny Ghost / JoeyGames
Age: 13
Why do you want to join the family: I want to join the family because i want to know people that i fully trust and i can bring certain things to the org , i may not be the best defender but i can raid , i have never raided because im mostly a cop but i do know well for sure know how to use a gun. Also i may not be able to just hand out money but im quite a nice person and will lend people money if i have it. (However i have raided alot as Swat and cop so i have experience with raiding).
Do you know anyone in the family: Steven Morrissey
Do you love Nottingham: Uhhhh.... Depends am i suspose to ;)?
Name IC/OOC: Tony Tortellini, KappaPride
Age: 17
Why do you want to join the family: Looking for a org to have some fun and giggles in.
And i need to fill my weed growing addiction
Do you know anyone in the family: Not in person, but had a couple talks with Humpry while buying stuff from his shop's
Do you love Nottingham: I do if you want me to bby. (No homo)

[DOUBLEPOST=1477057016,1477050520][/DOUBLEPOST]If any of you can send me a msg on my phone for the invite pls: 217-1055
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