The Paralake Partnership - Application

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Prague, Czech republic, European Union,
In-Game Name:

Character's backstory:

Character's age:

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough):

Steam ID:

Steam name:

Total Playtime:

Do you Have VIP? :

Reason to Join the Organization:


In-Game Name: Eddie Grey

Character's backstory: Eddie Grey was born in Europe, when he was 22 he arrived to the Paralake City. At first he worked Speed enforcer, but things changed... About 6 months in the job, he saw a Police officer shooting at two men in suits. One of them tried to run and then got shot by the Cop. The man fell down to the ground lifelessly with a bullet in his back. The other one ran to him and Started to cry over his body...
That was the moment, when Eddie realized he was a Family and he wont continue in doing this. Eddie Quit his job and Joined a European Mafia, which worked only for several months. Then he worked for a couple others before he Found the Belinskys. He joined Belinsky Family as an Outsider working for them, under the Rule of Viktor Belinsky. When Viktor retired and gave the Family to Liam, Eddie finally got his chance and joined in as a Rightful member. After a couple months of hard and loyal work, he was promoted to Cappo. After Liam couldn't take the pressure anymore he Disbanded it. Then It was recreated again by James Belinsky and, Eddie got his Position as a Underboss of the family, which he ruled as for a couple weeks.
After everything stopped, Eddie decided to make his own creation... Based on Honor, Power and respect. He called it, the Paralake Partnership.

Character's age: 27

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough): 16

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24423558

Steam name: obidan66

Total Playtime: 2 Weeks

Do you Have VIP? : Yes

Reason to Join the Organization: I am the Godfather, there shall rule Honor, Power and Respect.
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Samatko Butters

Samatko was born in a small village. His family was very poor, but he dreamed about being super villain.
He was nice to everybody but true himself wasn't. When he finished university a week later he found himself a job but he didn't like it that much. And then he found Tomiko and Eddie which were very bad people. But he liked it, he liked it that much that he became one of them.

(Yeah i know its bad story...)

His age is 20

I'm 15



2 days+


I've never been in one and this one seems ok :D
+friends told me to go to this one :O
In-Game Name: Tomiko Ashimura

Character's backstory: (Sometimes I change sex, so I will use She/He) She/He was living in city Kobajjep for 16 years with her/his familyl, then she moved with her family to Paralake city, because Kobajjep was really dangerous, Terrorist attacks started, battles were happening around etc.. After when they heard Paralake City, that it's Peaceful and Friendly, they moved there, After 2 years there, her/his family moved away, because truth was different, then people were saying in Kobajjep, and she/he lives there alone, he/she's still searching for new faces and people, whitch will help her/him in living. Sometimes, she just go out of city for visiting her/his family. As a little kiddy, he/she liked playing with other kids on Police vs Bad guys, now she/he can try it on her own.

Character's age: 19

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough): 15

Steam ID:

Steam name: Tomiko

Total Playtime: About 3 weeks? Possible.

Do you Have VIP? : Yes.

Reason to Join the Organization: I think, I'm good agent and spy,But I can do many things to help this Organization, whitch looks fine. :)

(I'm sorry, if there're any grammar problems, but my english isnt best at all. C: )
In-Game Name: Seiko Brook.

Character's backstory: A female, Who had very bad parents, But she mostly lived with her grandpa, Her grandpa, Showed her, A lot of stuff, Like the blueprints of crafting machetes, Which she began doing in paralake, After some years, Her grandfather died, And she came home to her parents, But they mislead her, And threated her like a bag of potatoes, She just took her machete, Broke a window, And ran, She had it pretty hard living on the streets, But then she found the opitunity, In paralake. (Sorry if it is a bad story, :P)

Character's age:21

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough): I am 11. But trust me, YOu can do more with a gun that your skilled to, Than a gun that you dont even know.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:28987939

Steam name: Retarded Crow

Total Playtime: 6 Days.

Do you Have VIP? : Yes, But i only buy it for ingame money :P

Reason to Join the Organization: Well, I have no other organtion, And i am a good friend of "Donny Belinsky" (I met him on a other server :P)
In-Game Name: Mohammed Abdul

Character's backstory:
I was a soilder for freedom in the middle east, Im one of the few there want pease. But after many years of battle. I decided there was no hope. Every where i went, was a big war zone. So for now on, my home country will be in my past. I have travled many miles, to get to paralake city. And now im on full progres getting rich! I get richer and richer for every single day, but its hard out here alone. So i need a crew to help increase my chances of surviving.

Character's age:

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough):

Steam ID:

Steam name:

Total Playtime:
1 day. But ive playd for a long time on many diffrents servers. so i got alot of experience in this game mod!

Do you Have VIP? :

Reason to Join the Organization:
I kinda tired of being alone all the time, and im sick of people raiding me.
So i guess i need some friends, and some proctection

In-Game Name: Fredy Newman

Character's backstory: My name is Fredy Newman. I come from Denmark, but well, after a lot of bank robberies and the bad company i had to move to Paralake City to get a new start. But it didnt turn that well. After a welly short time i began to rob banks agian. I becamed a millionaire but after a short time i was betrayed by my gang and i had to start from the beggining agian.
I am out of the bank robbery buisness, but this time i want to start with a organization the handle me with respect. Like my for the one i am now and not the person i was. I want to get money but in a harmless way.

Character's age: 22

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough): 15

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35065217

Steam name: Agent Green

Total Playtime: 4 weeks (3 days ingame)

Do you Have VIP? : Yes

Reason to Join the Organization: I want a organization where people thread me with respect. I am a sharpshooter but i dont use it that much. I have robbed the bank some times but i need a way to find peace agian where i can make some drugs and live in peace. I want to join this peaceful organization as the peaceful warrior i am.
  • In-Game Name: Mohammed Abdul

    Character's backstory:
    I was a soilder for freedom in the middle east, Im one of the few there want pease. But after many years of battle. I decided there was no hope. Every where i went, was a big war zone. So for now on, my home country will be in my past. I have travled many miles, to get to paralake city. And now im on full progres getting rich! I get richer and richer for every single day, but its hard out here alone. So i need a crew to help increase my chances of surviving.

    Character's age:

    Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough):

    Steam ID:

    Steam name:

    Total Playtime:
    3 days. But ive playd for a long time on many diffrents servers. so i got alot of experience in this game mod!

    Do you Have VIP? :

    Reason to Join the Organization:
    I kinda tired of being alone all the time, and im sick of people raiding me.
    So i guess i need some friends, and some proctection
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With all respect, You are not going to find Safety here... We are in war with Crescendo guys, and those wont spare you, they don't value Honor anything else... I suggest you to Join them if you want to be Safe but Mindless killer...
In-Game Name: John Sugavi

Character's backstory:John was born in italy. he started growing drugs in age 15 .
he bought his first in age 17 . he bought an scion XD .
he was in Hitman Royale when he born.

Character's age:28

Age :15

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:66206546

Steam name:Sugavi

Total Playtime:2 weeks

Do you Have VIP? :YES!

Reason to Join the Organization:the reason that i want to join paralake partnership it's because i know eddie and i'm really want to be there and i think it will be the best for me.
In-Game Name: Jarred Fam

Character's backstory: Jarred Fam was born in 1993 and on an age of 3 year, hi's parents already divorced. Jarred got to know 6 different fathers. At the age of 15 he decided to leave the country and went to evocity and at the age of 18, he was making succelfull drugs every day. These days he is a succesfull business man with allot of money and allot of power.

Character's age: 21

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough): 14¾

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42883693

Steam name: [PH] JarredInator

Total Playtime: 3 weeks +

Do you Have VIP? : Yes

Reason to Join the Organization: Because i want to join a big orginisation after my long 'holiday' to make new friends and money again :)
In-Game Name: Ran Luka

Character's backstory:
Ran was born in the midle east, came to Paralake at the age of 20 to make some easy money... but that wasnt so easy. at first he tried to be a good man and joind the police force but after he raided a huge hungar full of cars, drugs and weapons he understands where the real money is.
when he came back to the PD he gave the badge back and quited. and then it all begin....
he was on is own. and then in groove st.
and now he is searching for his real family (org) that wont turn his back on him as his biology family.

Character's age: 26

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough): 16

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:71385982

Steam name: RANLU911GT3

Total Playtime: 4+ days but have been playing with guys that have a lot more experience, so i know couple of things...

Do you Have VIP? : yes

Reason to Join the Organization: i am realy looking for that unique family who have that awesome team work and where you can really trust eneyone. and i believe that Paralake partnership has that thing.
In-Game Name: Charles Fox

Here, have a wall of text. And it's free.
Character's backstory: Charles had been a member of a paramilitary organization for 2 years until he was almost 19 years old. He had also been learning to play piano and percussive instruments in a music school but he couldn't find a job. He then decided to move to EvoCity with his knowledge to start working as a S.W.A.T. officer. Shortly after he had graduated from the police academy, he found out that S.W.A.T. officers were badly trained and nothing like soldiers. He then worked as a normal police officer for almost 2 years. It was when someone has blown up his expensive sports car he bought with legal money, for revenge. After that he decided to give S.W.A.T. another chance to earn more money in a new city, Paralake. It turned out it was almost the same. Although he was promoted to a Sergeant, he wasn't earning enough money. He didn't really want to grow drugs, but he wanted to be rich. A few months ago he finally decided to retire from his job and join White Feather Mafia. It was disbanded after a few weeks. He didn't want to join a big crime family, because it wasn't really something for him. He didn't want to be a serial killer. After he joined Paralake Drug Cartel, another organization, and became friends with its leader, Dmitri Brazinski, he went to jail for a few weeks but was let free due to lack of evidence for him growing drugs. When he was in the jail, members of the Cartel left it without a word. Charles and Dmitri decided to disband their organization and join a powerful one. The Paralake Partnership.

//I tried to make it connected to my real life. I hope it's not boring.

Character's age: 21

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough): 18

Steam ID: (I don't understand what you want ID64 for)

Steam name: Krzeszny

Total Playtime: about 1,5 week + 2 weeks on AGRP (doesn't exist anymore) + 1 week somewhere else

Do you Have VIP? : Yes, bought with in-game money.

Reason to Join the Organization: I wanted to be in a big organization which isn't based on murder, but honor. I want to be loyal and have many friends. I had been a member of White Feather Mafia so I remember Eddy. I'm a very good driver and probably a good shooter. I'm also good in CQB and... well, I wanted to earn some money for a Ferrari.

//When I'm not growing drugs, I join the police or S.W.A.T.
And I'm probably not gonna play at this weekend.
In-Game Name: Ben Still

Character's backstory: Ben took a journey from Germany to LakeCity and started from scrap, he had nothing.. He found some good friends but they left him and he had to recover from his internal pain. He turned mayor and got alcohol addicted. But he went up, he found his old meth cook brother! Things are looking good!

Character's age: 31

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough): 18

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:9122745

Steam name: Firedead

Total Playtime: 2 Days on this Server, on my whole gmod perp time over 4 weeks.

Do you Have VIP? : Yes

Reason to Join the Organization: I like to join the org, where my old meth brother is.
In-Game Name:Matt Grand

Character's backstory:Matt Grand was sad after his family was murdered.He wanted to come to paralake city in attempt to start a new life a new life he became a police officer he quit his job after running into a guy named Luke person and joined his company called security + and one day no one showed up to work and he decided to leave security +.

Character's age:17

Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough):13

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:61173726

Steam name:.Undead

Total Playtime:1 Week(Almost 2)

Do you Have VIP? :No

Reason to Join the Organization:I want a good org that i can be loyal to and that is powerful
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