The Perp Heads Phone

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Hi, I was just wondering is there any where that I could get/buy a copy if the perpheads phone, I love the phone and all the features included and would love thus for my server. I do not mind if there is something n the phone somewhere with credits because I don't want to take credit for something that I didn't make. Thanks in advance Dexter
Don't bump it. We aren't giving out custom content so you can put it on your server, or for any reason in that matter. Take your search elsewhere.
Why doesn't he sell it on coderhire there is so much I would buy, and many others would buy he would make so much more money to spend in the server or on life.
Its up to the owners to sell/give out the content they made, and since they haven't done so in the past year i think they will not do so in the future. I myself wouldn't sell/bring out it aswell, and DEFFINATLY not for someone elses server.
And like my grandfather always said: "If someone wants to buy things of you, sell it for 1 million. Always work."
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I am pretty sure that you might not be able to do so, but if you are, as ben said, you will have to PM the owner, asking on a thread will not really help, it is very well written, it may be hard to price!
Dexter said:
Why doesn't he sell it on coderhire there is so much I would buy, and many others would buy he would make so much more money to spend in the server or on life.
Because then everyone would have it and they do not want that.
We won't sell the phone because we made it for our server specifically. It wouldn't even work on other servers and why would we sell stuff that makes our server unique anyways?
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