The Rise and Fall of PERPHeads

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Feels like yesterday.

Old weapon system where all you had to do was control the recoil and shit, that Dylan Larsen kid was fucking squeaky in that video!

@ICEKILLER_99 listen to how my voice was, grow some fucking balls and talk kid. No one cares if ur 12
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Although I'm obviously extremely against going back to the pre-whitelist police system you all so fondly remember. My main intention is and always has been to improve this server, it's no secret that the player count is lower than ever. Personally, I believe this is down to several factors, some of which are listed in @The Strange Deranged Mage's video. I'm fine with doing anything in attempt to 'revive' the community, although I remain stubborn that the Police System is not the issue (that's a debate for another day).

If we were at all to experiment with the premise of removing the 2+ years of hard-work put in by our officers, here's my proposal for how I believe it should initially go.

Of course this wouldn't be the final model if we did decide to completely remove it (which is still unlikely). But I'm more than happy to spend a week experimenting this. We'd probably bring back "swat slots" if we were to do this permanently.

We could maybe test the 2015 partial whitelist where you take a test and become a supervisor, SGT / Lieutenant.
I do not believe that everyone with a current rank right now should get Sergeant because that would be absolute chaos, but perhaps respected and somewhat experienced officers.
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Although I'm obviously extremely against going back to the pre-whitelist police system you all so fondly remember. My main intention is and always has been to improve this server, it's no secret that the player count is lower than ever. Personally, I believe this is down to several factors, some of which are listed in @The Strange Deranged Mage's video. I'm fine with doing anything in attempt to 'revive' the community, although I remain stubborn that the Police System is not the issue (that's a debate for another day).

If we were at all to experiment with the premise of removing the 2+ years of hard-work put in by our officers, here's my proposal for how I believe it should initially go.

Of course this wouldn't be the final model if we did decide to completely remove it (which is still unlikely). But I'm more than happy to spend a week experimenting this. We'd probably bring back "swat slots" if we were to do this permanently.
does po count as a rank
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Although I'm obviously extremely against going back to the pre-whitelist police system you all so fondly remember. My main intention is and always has been to improve this server, it's no secret that the player count is lower than ever. Personally, I believe this is down to several factors, some of which are listed in @The Strange Deranged Mage's video. I'm fine with doing anything in attempt to 'revive' the community, although I remain stubborn that the Police System is not the issue (that's a debate for another day).

If we were at all to experiment with the premise of removing the 2+ years of hard-work put in by our officers, here's my proposal for how I believe it should initially go.

Of course this wouldn't be the final model if we did decide to completely remove it (which is still unlikely). But I'm more than happy to spend a week experimenting this. We'd probably bring back "swat slots" if we were to do this permanently.
I find that the main reason there were so many "monkies" in the PD was that the entry quiz was far too easy. A good compromise is that the entry level quiz is more complicated and is about 50 questions as opposed to 10. Anybody with Sergeant or more can be a supervisor for the week in addition to this there should be four Sergeants instead of 2 to handle all the new players that may come. Also SWAT is available to anybody in the police force.


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I find that the main reason there were so many "monkies" in the PD was that the entry quiz was far too easy. A good compromise is that the entry level quiz is more complicated and is about 50 questions as opposed to 10. Anybody with Sergeant or more can be a supervisor for the week in addition to this there should be four Sergeants instead of 2 to handle all the new players that may come. Also SWAT is available to anybody in the police force.

This would require code change, the plan in this case would be to change database rows to allow the sgt rank. Removing the whole rank system would be quite complex just to do for a few days.
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I personally found 2015 to be the best year. I joined some when in 2015 but made a forum account nearing 2015. Back then I couldn't wait to get back on the server and play on it since everyday was different and a wider range of RP was made. I feel now the server is getting bland and the same shit is happening everyday regardless. I enjoyed being a police officer back then, it was more chill and more fun, now I feel like its becoming a chore to go on duty to get atleast 8 hours a month, forcing you to get those hours in. Obviously this is not mentioning LOA's since thats pretty self explanatory. I loved being a Traffic Officer back then, was more fun and meant you had to be more aware.
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United Kingdom
I must say, lovely read and a well-balanced video to complement the thread. I've recently made my return as Paramedic after not playing for a year and a half and I must say these changes have made it most peculiar even to someone who has one-month playtime. I believe many changes are to be held responsible for the "downfall" of the server, mostly including what is mentioned in this thread so far. Funny enough my last bought VIP for myself was two years ago 11/13/16 ( Mixed emotions.
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didnt even set my name to this wtf i prferred 3902cihoi2hcoijwr
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damn fam ur spitting fax rn
perpheads, for me, started to get real boring when they added unnecessary rules like the ORG posting ones and updating rule 2.5.

ill say this and ill say this again
the thing that killed perpheads was the weapons and plpd update

please bring back evocity
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Although I'm obviously extremely against going back to the pre-whitelist police system you all so fondly remember. My main intention is and always has been to improve this server, it's no secret that the player count is lower than ever. Personally, I believe this is down to several factors, some of which are listed in @The Strange Deranged Mage's video. I'm fine with doing anything in attempt to 'revive' the community, although I remain stubborn that the Police System is not the issue (that's a debate for another day).

If we were at all to experiment with the premise of removing the 2+ years of hard-work put in by our officers, here's my proposal for how I believe it should initially go.

Of course this wouldn't be the final model if we did decide to completely remove it (which is still unlikely). But I'm more than happy to spend a week experimenting this. We'd probably bring back "swat slots" if we were to do this permanently.

Honestly, several aspects of the current PLPD system is great.

-IA complaints instead of administrative punishment = win
-Being able to use a larger array of pistols & getting a shotgun as Cpl = win
-Current ranking system is better than no ranking system at all, even though it should be made easier to advance in the ranks.

What needs to be changed is the difficulty going from being a PO to a regular officer, allow people to skip the PO step after an improved and more difficult quiz at the PD lobby.

Secondly remove the TFU-section of the PLPD and allow anyone who has VIP to become a SWAT-officer, like in the old days.
As to avoid completely newborn sweaters to go SWAT instantly you could put a required timed played of say 10h before you could join SWAT.
This gives people an extra insentive to donate and will remove TFU patrolling with full assault gear on which was never the intention that they would do when first implemented.

By keeping the regular ranks of the current system, etc you create the posibility to supervise the more inexperienced SWAT team and officers. This will also require veteran officers to take new officers under they wings and teach then the ways of policing Paralake, just like before.
PTOs would get a more practical role in the departement and be needed to a greater extent to patrol & teach new recruits on the live- and not the test server.

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