Theft of a Motor Vehicle

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Great Britain
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New law

What law do you wish to change/add:

11.12 Theft of a Motor Vehicle
An offence will be committed by any person who, without lawful authority or permission from its owner, takes a motor vehicle for their own or another's use or, knowing a motor vehicle to be taken without such authority, drives or allows themselves to be carried in it.

Felony - liable to 6 years maximum imprisonment, $5,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture

Why should this change/addition be made: Currently there is no robust punishment for car theft. If threat of violence is used against another then robbery would fit the bill, and other driving offences are usually committed such as fail to stop for police or dangerous driving, however, it would be good for there to be a strict and explicit charge for stealing a car alone.

What is the aim of this change/addition: It provides police more power when dealing with car thefts, especially those with passengers assisting.

Additional Information: Penalty is just a ballpark, I would rather it not be/exceed 7 years because I don't believe cops should be killed over a stolen vehicle. I am open to the idea of passengers getting lesser penalty to the driver but that would need to be correctly worded.
11.6 Theft
Any person who dishonestly appropriates any possession belonging to another person commits a criminal offence.

Misdemeanor - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment, $3,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

i think its the same thing i dont really thing its needed ur suggestion just specific one thing
11.6 Theft
Any person who dishonestly appropriates any possession belonging to another person commits a criminal offence.

Misdemeanor - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment, $3,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

i think its the same thing i dont really thing its needed
Yeah as it currently stands, stealing a vehicle would come under theft. I am looking to get a new law added that covers specifically stealing cars because I think the punishment should be harsher, taking somebody's pride and joy and usually leaving it a crumpled smoking mess :(
I do support this suggestion, as stealing a vehicle would be quite a serious felony, especially joyriding it and possible fleeing LEOs who are pursuing, in addition to this, the way the current law is written, you can receieve the same sentance from stealing just about anything, such as stealing food from another person, or stealing a firearm, or of course stealing a vehicle, some which are way more significant then the others and therefore the sentance should reflect it in my opinion.
Yeah as it currently stands, stealing a vehicle would come under theft. I am looking to get a new law added that covers specifically stealing cars because I think the punishment should be harsher, taking somebody's pride and joy and usually leaving it a crumpled smoking mess :(
As goonsberg mentioned above, the reward is crazy good & it's relatively low risk depending on which time of day you do it at & if you're a shit driver or not. Not to mention some cops genuinely don't know what to charge car thieves with, I've seen multiple occasions of sweater cops charging car thieves for completely unrelated laws to car theft
Let’s be honest, the reward for chop shop is arguably too good…

If you do it at the right time it’s a guaranteed payout.

A harsher punishment would at least support the plpd
and who told you everyone just do "chop shop"

there is some people steal other players cars so there is not really rewards

I made a duplicate thread by accident. Here is the full thread I made

Is this a new law or a change to a current law: new law

What law do you wish to change/add:
11.12 Auto Burglary

Any person who enters a vehicle when the doors are locked.

Felony - liable to 5 years maximum imprisonment, $5,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

Why should this change/addition be made:

Right now you can only charge them with Theft which is true but 3 years for stealing a car, for which you have to break someone's property pretty significantly is absolute madness. Most cars that get stolen are also the cars that are worth over a million dollars so it would make much more sense if it had its own law.
I know this sort of suggestion has been denied in the past quite a bit but car theft is and always has been a felony, not a misdemeanor.
I was told when I returned that stealing a car is considered 11.11 and I know that many other officers also believe this. In most countries a car is considered property but in Paralake terminology it is not (I only learnt this today) which makes zero sense.

Either rephrase the burglary laws to 'building' instead of 'property' like it is in real life or add this law. It makes no sense property doesn't include vehicles.

What is the aim of this change/addition:
- A law to charge people that steal cars.
- 3 years max for stealing a potentially 1 million dollar+ vehicle is insane
- Less confusion

Additional Information:
I personally agree with having them be just as guilty as it removes the confusion during the arrest process for newer police, aiding and abetting/failing to report a crime could be for the passenger depending. However, making it all one charge would just make things simpler.
I personally agree with having them be just as guilty as it removes the confusion during the arrest process for newer police, aiding and abetting/failing to report a crime could be for the passenger depending. However, making it all one charge would just make things simpler.
I agree, knowingly jumping in a stolen car should be seen as willingly trying to help the driver by either fighting cops if it comes to that, or to create confusion when a car is eventually stopped. Being able to arrest them for the same charges makes plenty of sense and makes it less aids to deal with.
We would like to select this for voting, but I would like to gather some more opinions on whether or not riding in the car as a passenger should make you just as guilty, which this draft proposes.

Please discuss
The passenger should also be liable.
Police have to initiate a chase, chase for 5+ mins and have it lost sometimes.
If the passenger can assist police by giving them active tracking, I totally should say remove the charge from them.
Regardless, it's aiding and abetting and 10.2.
However, I would make it so the passenger is liable for HALF the sentence cause usually charges for the passengers don't stick.
I personally agree with having them be just as guilty as it removes the confusion during the arrest process for newer police, aiding and abetting/failing to report a crime could be for the passenger depending. However, making it all one charge would just make things simpler.
I agree, knowingly jumping in a stolen car should be seen as willingly trying to help the driver by either fighting cops if it comes to that, or to create confusion when a car is eventually stopped. Being able to arrest them for the same charges makes plenty of sense and makes it less aids to deal with.

i dont agree

the passenger can lie and say he picked me up and i didnt know its stolen car how can you proof that i know its stolen car to charge me with aiding and abetting

also if the driver was armed and the passenger wasn't armed he can say i was hostage

most of the plpd will ignore what ever the passenger will say and charge him same as the crim if that was add also if you are worred about confusion make sure you have your recording on to review it

personal i think it should stay as it because it will just make the Rp worst as most of the officer will just ignore what the passenger will say
i dont agree

the passenger can lie and say he picked me up and i didnt know its stolen car how can you proof that i know its stolen car to charge me with aiding and abetting

also if the driver was armed and the passenger wasn't armed he can say i was hostage

most of the plpd will ignore what ever the passenger will say and charge him same as the crim if that was add also if you are worred about confusion make sure you have your recording on to review it

personal i think it should stay as it because it will just make the Rp worst as most of the officer will just ignore what the passenger will say
Aloo does raise a good point here
We would like to select this for voting, but I would like to gather some more opinions on whether or not riding in the car as a passenger should make you just as guilty, which this draft proposes.

Please discuss
I'm in agreement with @ALOO89 here. So many passengers are willing +1s to a crime. Usually a aiding and abetting or failure to report a crime charge is sufficient there.

Think out of the last 20 or so passengers or so it has been a singular who genuinely didnt know, and was a sweater. (Guestimate)

It definitely could cause toxicity in cop rp however.
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