thehomelessdude's ban apology

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Super_
How long were you banned for: 5 days

Your Steam Name
: thehomelessdude
Your In-game Name: John King
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73279587

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 2.5 - User placed two bombs inside an apartment that he had already successfully raided and killed the defenders inside solely to "mess up their props." This, as a result, caused a fire and some props burning
Why should this appeal be considered:
After my ban dispute got denied I thought about the situation and found out that I was completely wrong and shouldn't have even argued the ban in the first place. After being banned for a couple of days I realized my mistake and I deeply regret it. Placing the two bombs inside of the apartament was really stupid and I shouldn't have even considered it since it's against the rule 2.5. I promise not to repeat my mistakes again.

Additional Comment(s): Thanks for reading.
As someone who was affected, I never wanted the user banned and even asked for him to be spoken to, despite Homeless not initially recognizing his mistakes I believe he has now learned his lesson and should be let back.
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