Aero Messages 1,097 Reaction score 1,886 Points 745 Location my bed May 19, 2019 #21 this goes slow as fuck and theres not even a loop how are u getting sick of this
Creepis Messages 7,013 Reaction score 18,202 Points 1,200 Location North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany May 19, 2019 #22 apparently it's faster at 6:30pm idk
Bnjemann Messages 9,659 Reaction score 12,058 Points 975 Location REHAB May 19, 2019 Thread starter Staff #23 @Creepis mate dark roller coasters are the best fucking ones lmfao
Bnjemann Messages 9,659 Reaction score 12,058 Points 975 Location REHAB May 19, 2019 Thread starter Staff #24 @KeiwaM anything but chain swings. I've Been on one and enjoyed it but for some reason I'd rather not go on one again.
@KeiwaM anything but chain swings. I've Been on one and enjoyed it but for some reason I'd rather not go on one again.
Bnjemann Messages 9,659 Reaction score 12,058 Points 975 Location REHAB May 19, 2019 Thread starter Staff #25 I loved this but my mum cried when she went on it so it's understandable that people don't like it.
Bnjemann Messages 9,659 Reaction score 12,058 Points 975 Location REHAB May 19, 2019 Thread starter Staff #26 You gotten take one for the team and splash out on that life insurance claim
Imperial Watch Messages 1,321 Reaction score 4,991 Points 805 Location Weeaboo headquarters May 19, 2019 #27 Went on VRChat once and in the Amusement Park map once heard someone vomit through their headset when we went on one of the rides due to motion sickness PS. Dont stand still and stand up while doing rides with a VR headset on
Went on VRChat once and in the Amusement Park map once heard someone vomit through their headset when we went on one of the rides due to motion sickness PS. Dont stand still and stand up while doing rides with a VR headset on
Ysauzi Messages 539 Reaction score 754 Points 645 May 20, 2019 #28 @Saint Wylde ok i checked apparently its called "space mountain" or something edit: we have a picture of us riding the thing and yea its space mountain 100%
@Saint Wylde ok i checked apparently its called "space mountain" or something edit: we have a picture of us riding the thing and yea its space mountain 100%
MegaFro Messages 1,192 Reaction score 1,248 Points 660 Location Israel May 20, 2019 #29 wow vrchat is realistic yes? makes u puke like irl cuz epic simulation
Bnjemann Messages 9,659 Reaction score 12,058 Points 975 Location REHAB May 25, 2019 Thread starter Staff #30 @MegaFro you can get motion sickness from VR
MegaFro Messages 1,192 Reaction score 1,248 Points 660 Location Israel May 27, 2019 #31 @Saint Wylde yes