This is against the server rules, isn't it?

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Well, there's been some kind of a fight with a guy and then I got killed by a friend of his which is absolutely fine. But, after I revived the guy that I argued with at first (before death) comes (after death) and kills me as a cop. This is against the server rules, isn't it?

(I have the demo but I have no idea how to use it)
yeh its against rules basically revenge after you die your meant to forget what happened before hand
This guy said to me, "you were rude to me" and then he starts hitting me. I don't remember the nickname or the in-game name either.
Then he asks if I am his friend and when I said no he killed me with a gun.
Well gg to that guy. whoever that is. He obviously broke rules and should be punished.
Yes this is against the rules and i suggest makng a ban request on the guy. How he used his irearm like that he will either be blacklisted or banned.
Well don't want to self advertise myself but if I was enforcer I would have helped, because I would be quite pissed myself. Try to find who it was.
As I said I don't know any of his names but I have the demo file if it's useful.
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