this server and some problems i and other i think havee

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well i am new to this server and what i have seen i like i have played perp since june 2009 on and off so i have seen my fair share of things and well this server is a tricky one you guys have a amazing server the only problem i have seen really is with your staff they do not seem to know what they are doing half the time and you need to sort your self's out im going to talk about some of my experience so far i have had on this server so you get a idea what i am talking.

example 1:
one time i was patrolling as a ff and a admin stopped me and asked me what i was doing he then preceded to tell me even though i am driving the dodge ram i can not petrol which other admins say you can so what does this mean some of your staff do not know the fucking rule on there own server and also this miss leads people on what they can and cant do

expample 2
this is simular to one but i was swat and we got told to go and train same thing happened told we arnt aloud to then another time we where told we can so like wtf

example 3
i was growing one time and a man walked into my home (the front door was open) i told him to leave he ignored me then he started to walk around my apartment so i shot him then 2 mins later a admin come "why did u kill" and all that and then i get told of because you should never kill someone unless need and you should try to keep the role-play going not just end there like

but another time me and a friend where bored so we just where following people round bored looking for something to do we followed a admin we found at am/pm then he got a call from someone and was told to go 2 subs for so use messing around where like "yes lest go subs mate" we got there and they asked use to leave we keep messing around and going "what we doing mate growing or something" then they palled guns out and told use to leave again so under fearrp and not wanting to die we walked away and did what they told use we got to my mini and they all ran out and shot my friend so that would be fail one because what ression would they have to shoot him i then asked why they did it they just when to walk of i then started to make a report then the admin in the group turns around and goes "better kill him so he cant moan" then bang im dead 2

as u can tell both of the saturation contradict on what admins say

example 4
as mayor i was getting death threats so i made a broadcast saying that top floor of nexus is a K.O.S. i was shortly told after this by a admin that i cant do that so i made a new broadcast saying that ignore my last broadcast and it is a A.O.S. then about 5 mins later jack flagg come along with 2 civs and trys to tell me that same thing i polity told him that i have already talked about it with another admin and i have changed it any way then he still goes on about it after about 5 mins he goes away which is not really 2 bad but you guys need to communicate with each other so u do not have to stop rp to talk

example 5
i was in the city and there where cops and swat standing near the bank watching it this means there was no cops patrolling and also no emergency and swat was there correct me if im wrong but swat shouldnt leave the pd unless there is an emergency and then i entered the bank and there was 4 other people in there and also one of the cops was a admin and then we where all in there on the desk dacning and then one of them got out a fires extinguisher and put it away after 5 secs next thing u know they all come running in and arresting use for "trying to rob the bank" and then a massive argument with people shouting "u fucking retarded cunt" and "you black peace of shit" "go fuck your self n*gga" and at no point the admin said anything and then we all where put in jail for 10 years and not questioned at all so at which point i left (yes i know i failed but i really couldn't be asked to keep playing when its like that)

example 6
i got bored and was shouting "you shall not pass at cars" then a admin picks me up with a phys gun and drops me so i die isnt tha a fail and stopping a rp?

i could keep going all day like this but i don't want to waste anymore time then i already all i am saying is all the admins need to go by the SAME RULES and also follow the same rules we have to but thanks for reading this and sorry for bad spelling im dyslexic XD

please leave your thoughts this is the only way we can make a community get better
To address example 1, the rules about patrolling are now more clear for FF.
To address example 2, the rules about training are now more clear.
To address example 4, the Enforcer should not have been dealing that they are told not to deal with reports in ooc and should only act upon what they see in there local area while rping.
To address example 5, the Admin may not have fully understood the situation and would just rather to RP it out then get into an ooc situation, you should have continued to rp until in jail then called an Admin.
To address example 6, standing infront of cars and shouting 'You shall not pass' is failrp, something you would not do in real life the Admin should not have killed you they should have talked to you, it would be a great help if you could contact me on steam about this situation :)

(Rules for example 1+2 were added yesterday)
to address example 3, call an admin in the situation the fail took place
Example 3: It's not neccesarily FailRPing. Can be seen as trolling, if he does it too often. Some friend and me already done this irl lol
Thanks guys for all the comment

To address your reply to example 1 and 2: thank you very my much for that now i can be a lot clearer on what i can and cant do (Y)
To address your reply to example 4: ok thanks for that but my point its we spoke to one admin then another comes along
To address your reply to example 5: the thing is the leader in the cop that told them to arrest use was an admin and i did make a report but after 5 mins of no one answering and then just saying what ever when we where trying to talk to the admin as he brought use to the jail i gave up for the night
To address your reply to example 6: can u explain to me how this is "failrp" because irl people do things like that i mean ever heard of the invisible rope game u should try it once its actually fun
but thanks for the reply

the problem is the person that shot me was a admin and i did a /report but 10 secs after i wrote it it was closed and no one talked to me or anything

ok i see your point but the thing is i got told this and CHANGED it before u came up so who was in the wrong not me it was the swat so u didnt need to talk to me at all it was the swat u needed to talk to i told them ti disparaged my last order and u never even spoke to them after u talked to me

yes this could be true but if it was why would i sit there for 5 mins waiting to die surrlley he would used commands and respawn me or revive me

how is killing some one trolling when u kill them for no ression at all and i kill some one for ression and get told that if i do it again i am banned

but ty anyway people

i just think u guys need to have harsher punishments even if its after they do something the kick people sometimes so after some time they will get pissed of with having to reconnect and that also more people need to banned more often i have hurd people saying dont worry about failing they never ban anyone on here even if its a day u guys need to be stricter but ye i understand this is a company and u need to make money away from it but when people that dont follow rules are in the game it can start to drive away people that enjoy when everyone plays by the rules