Guilty until Proven innocent, even with witnessess.

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United Kingdom
So let me set the scene.
I joined the server after a good long while, since I got my microphone fixed and I would be able to play the server smoother.
After dealing with some other people, a man runs into the PD without reason and starts shouting inappropriate and random phrases. One of the SWAT Officers in the building apprehended the man and left me to talk to him. I did not want to arrest the man instantly, but I said something along the lines of, "Do it again, you'll be put against charges. I'm watching."
I released the man and I escorted him outside of the PD. A minute or two later, he proceeds to loop around the department and make another run-in through the back, WHICH ME AND THE SWAT OFFICER SAW. We then apprehended the man and told him we will press charges.
Bare in mind this is a moderator, he proceeds to say in Local OOC, "I didn't actually do anything."
I did get a bit angry and will admit I had a tiny ic argument with him about it, eventually the Swat Officer told me to stop. He denied any accusations of actually running through the PD and so we added 6.1 to his ticket (Providing false information to an officer.)
The reason his information was false is because me and the SWAT literally saw him run through again. We gave him the ticket, told him to have a nice day and then let him go.
A few minutes later when I am involved in an emergency call (Grenades exploding in the PD) he proceeds to use his ignorance to pull me straight out of it to continue the argument. He told me that I was lying and I needed to prove myself. This is why the title of this post is 'Guilty until proven innocent.' He was moaning at me even though I had a witness and we wouldn't have pressed charges if we hadn't seen it. He said that the only way he wasn't going to ban me is if I provided him with a demo clip. Now I'm new to gmod, don't get me wrong I play a lot of PERPHeads, but not the general whole thing of GMOD. I looked up all this demo bit but there was no way I could see to upload a demo without having to physically record my gameplay with Fraps or OBS.

From this I am now unable to prove myself innocent and need help.. now. I don't know what to do! I don't want to get banned but if I'm getting done for this then they surely need to re-think. Considering you can just get the ticket removed or get a senior to talk to me about it, they result to instantly banning me. You would see my situation and know why I am sincerely annoyed.
If you have any questions please ask, I will answer, but I just need to know what to do because considering I had a witness, we wouldn't have given a ticket if we hadn't seen it! Do staff think we're blind!?
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Bare in mind this is a moderator,
Make an admin complaint if you believe an administrator did something wrong.

It's simple, you saw someone doing something wrong, and fined him. It's very easy to confuse people, but if you're sure then do what you must, give that lad his punishment.

Are you 100% sure that person was a mod, and not someone who just claimed he was?
anyway, here's a guide on how to work with demos!
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Make an admin complaint if you believe an administrator did something wrong.

It's simple, you saw someone doing something wrong, and fined him. It's very easy to confuse people, but if you're sure then do what you must, give that lad his punishment.

Are you 100% sure that person was a mod, and not someone who just claimed he was?
anyway, here's a guide on how to work with demos!

His name was blue so I am assuming that he is a mod+
[DOUBLEPOST=1476974513,1476904574][/DOUBLEPOST]@Creepis It was Daymon.