Timer for the intersection traffic lights....

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Topic: Having a timer at the intersection traffic lights instead of having a sensor that causes them to change.

Short explanation (in notes):
- The lights change every 20 seconds instead of having a sensor that picks up when a car is waiting at the lights or not.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Currently you sometimes have to drive back and forth in attempt to activate the sensor, which can get annoying because if there are a lot of people behind you it will just be a huge mess. Having this means that this will not happen.

Optional additions:
- Maybe halfway through the timer on the green light the left/right arrow could show up.
I'm pretty sure on V1 of the map the traffic lights were on a timer. I wouldn't say adding again would be a great idea since now, as long as you activate the sensor and all other lanes are clear it'll go green straight away. The only thing I would say, making the sensor bigger maybe? So it's harder for people to miss when they drive up to the intersection.
This is pointless as its not possible without editing the map again
I like the sensor controlling the lights as you don't have to wait forever. Also changing it would, like kawaii said, cause the map to be edited again which would be wasting the map developers time. -support
The trigger was added in V2 for a reason

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