trigger happy behaviour

hey guys there's an officer aiming at me a gun let's go ahead and perform a movement so i won't get shot!
What kind of childish mentality is that? "HE DID IT SO I'M ALLWOED TO". That's not how it works.
i didnt mean exactly , he was interacting his trunk , the guy thought he was getting a gun
equivalent of a black guy reaching for his waistband and being like 'why tf you shoot me man'
No i mean, you keep putting a space before the comma.
I remember when you killed and some other people for standing outside unarmed cus you guys thought we were "raiding" can agree with gaylindo being trigger happy
Sorry aren't you the one who ran away from me under gunpoint and then got shot on overpass to regals for me mistaking your phone for a gun since it was dark.
And then made an IA on me for that.