I could sit here and argue for hours saying how if I have any of your a million dollars I'd like to see you turn it into a company with billions in assets still going strong.
Being a business man does not make you good president material. Running a country is extremely different than running a company, and you can see that Trump doesn't even understand the massive difference (e.g. him saying how the US should just not pay back debt or how he's gonna negotiate down the debt)
Maybe I'll go with the fact that one of the candidates consistently lied to the American public about public policy and issues and even lied to our Congrèss.
Both of them are liars, but unlike Trump supporters most Hillary "supporters" know about it. At least she's lying because she's smart and not because she's an idiot.
represented a rapist and got him off charges (completely okay that is her civil duty) but then laughed about it on tape calling he young girl who had been raped (
Even your article refutes your claim:
But Clinton did laugh in the retelling of some unusual aspects of the rape case, and we leave it to others to decide whether her laughter was appropriate or not.
You can read through the actual things she said. She was laughing at the situations because they were absurd, not because she found the case funny. But of course Trump supporters would never bother to actually look into claims without just reposting them mindlessly.
Or maybe how the same candidate has been actively involved in politics for years, often crossing party lines.
Interestingly enough
he was even a Clinton supporter, not just Hillary but also Bill. But obviously you don't give a shit about that.
And don't even mention him getting out of taxes, the candidate was smart. they didn't write the tax codes they just used them to the best of their ability.
You're delusional. The only reason Trump
had to use those loopholes is because he's shit at his job and lost loads of money. Without those loopholes he'd surely not be around anymore.
And don't say they will cause WWIII with Russia. Because Russia actually likes this candidate and they can get along, the other will be way more aggressive I can promise you.
Russia likes Trump because Trump is an idiot and can be influenced easily. Just look at how easy it is to rustle his jimmies so much that he
sues someone for making a joke. This is also another thing that trump supporters are extremely hypocritical on. Trump is gonna pose the biggest threat to freedom of speech in your country than any other of the three candidates, yet Trump supporters always claim how much of free speech advocates they are (as long as the people they are talking to support trump of course).
Both candidates are idiots. Both have said stupid things.
Hillary Clinton is definitely not an idiot. She's completely rational and clearly very smart. She's just corrupt just like pretty much any other candidate in your country (which is still better than insane)
I will fall into the same socialistic pit I see half of Europe being swallowed into.
Yeah I know right, socialism has literally made everyone here in Germany poor and unemployed, which is why have full employment in some parts of the country, right?
And caring for the well-being of your fellow citizens, how fucking could we do that.
Schools and roads and public services were all still paid for.
But guess what, under Trump you're gonna have to pay even more tolls than you already do because
he's gonna try and privatize as many roads as possible. Guess what, here in socialist Germany there are now toll roads, all of them are being paid for by the government because they benefit everyone, but of course that's just us crazy socialists speaking.
He is the people's candidate, the blue collar billionaire. He is KNOWN for fighting for and working for the middle class working american.
Can you please not pull shit out of your ass, it smells.
Might I add that healthcare is not socialistic in the US. They are both private and I would like to keep it that way.
Now in a fully capitalistic country wouldn't you expect the drug companies, hospitals and doctors compete with each other and deliver the best price? Why is it then that in the US you have one of the
highest per capita cost for health expenditures?
But of course you won't care about the facts, because they make you feel bad. That's why you support trump, simply because he is telling you some lies that make you feel good about yourself. Thankfully more likely than not Trump will lose the election and we will probably never hear from him again (heck he might even go bankrupt again).