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Kiev, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
Discussion Post:
Main Idea: Unban the esteemed community member Tyla

Full description of the idea:
I have recently been made aware of the distressing news that PERPHeads an awesome garrys mod community is dying, its playercount dwindling to a measly fraction of what it once was. I well and truly believe that the best course of action is to unban Tyla Jai, who was an esteemed community member until he was wrongfully banned by tiny slayer, a senior administrator in perpheads an awesome garrys mod community.

I BELIEVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY that Tyla's ban was unfair as he NEVER maliciously used cheats and I feel that his absence has severely detracted from the quality of life enjoyed by community members of perpheads an awesome garrys mod community.

Therefore, I believe that if Tyla Jai is unbanned from perpheads an awesome garrys mod community, that the playercount will increase tenfold (from 1 player to 10) which I am sure any other member of perpheads an awesome garrys mod community would agree is a drastic improvement.

Why should it be added?: Following the discussion thread, it is clear that the community (including numerous staff members) have spoken and that they think Tyla Jai should be unbanned from Perpheads an awesome garrys mod community.

Pros: PERPheads an awesome garrys mod community is revived
fun RP from the vault of memes
new players stand a chance
literally everything

Cons: there are no bad aspects

*Other additions: unban tom hill
Although I'd like to see Tyla unbanned.
I just confused you with someone else :/ never mind.
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Tyla should be unbanned from the server as he as a person has matured, he was a fat troll before which really annoyed a lot of people in the community which I think everyone here can understand why, however he is a much better person and is having a stable social life in real life at the moment, which is something that he hasn't had before, he's been stressed out thanks to his private life and thus used GMod as his escape where he could just fuck around.

Tyla in general is an amazing guy who's always been really nice to everyone in the community and I don't think anyone feels any personal anger towards him, just his idiotic minging which I adressed why he was the way he was above, he's a much more serious person now who's grown up, and I think we can see this on his recent forum activity where he hasn't been a major troll either, he's been the decent Tyla that we all praised and supported when he was a staff member, someone who we enjoyed having on the server.

And I think we can all agree to that Tyla has an effect around him where as if he goes somewhere he has a decent amount of people following him, and let's be real at this point in time the server really needs any players we can get, we need a more stable playerbase and we need to become a big server again, there is only one way doing this and that is bringing back the people who has a group around them and Tyla being the core member of one of those groups he should be unbanned from the server and be allowed to rejoin the community.

Let's face it we have people like @Dapsas on the server who can't even follow the rules let alone speak english, yes Tyla did use cheating software on the server but then again we've unbanned people like @Shokron who's also tried as hard as Tyla to get unbanned.

Tyla as a user has 4 total bans compared to some other players not gonna name them without a cough *cough* Dapsas *cough* who has 26 bans...

Who do we want the most? Someone who follows the rules but made one mistake instead of an actual reckless player who hurts the playerbase who knows he can't be permanently banned because of our ban system like Dapsas? Obviously we want Tyla.


PERP without Tyla

PERP with Tyla

Tyla if he doesn't get unbanned btw
Just fucking unban him already if other cheaters are getting a chance and he's not, jeez

The hard drive fiesta was a joke, if you still hate him for having to deal with his shit grow up honestly. I'd write a wall of text but honestly I feel like I will get China'd to some concentration camp that's worse than being put into a interrogation room and being forced to watch Blue Light Aware.

unban my man
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