Unmarked speed enforcer

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Topic: A unmarked speed enforcer

Short explanation (in notes):
- Same equipment like speed enforcer
- For VIP
- Fast car but not a to conspicous car

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I think it would help against the speeders, most time they are driving slower when they see there are speedenforcers. And its on every country, they have normal unmarked police lights on the front and on the back. The display where is the stop signal is on the back of the car

This is actually a german unmarked police car from the speed enforcer "team" "ProVida". They have the stop signal on the back of the car. How i just said, they have the same equipment, radar gun, and such these things...
IR they have a gun, but hey, we are here on perp :D.

Optional additions:
-Instead frontblue/redlights, a magnetic bluelight which you can put on the top from the car. You can make a extra bodygroup for the car which is the bluelight which you can turn on. This works so, you take a key for putting the bluelight on the top, or better sayed, uses bodygroup and the keySHIFT (which is normally the button for the lights) make the light on, but the key only works when the bodygroup of the bluelight is "activated".

Thats it, for questions or suggestions or status of the suggestion only write it directly on the thread, i know many words but i hope you read all.
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First off... If you simply looked through the accepted, too excessive, or denied section of ideas&suggestions you would've come across THIS IDEA and more than likely a few other discussions about this same kind of topic. Anyways, allow me to respond very similarly to how I did with those.

You say,
mcfreakkuh said:
...most time they are driving slower when they see there are speedenforcers...
So I think a reasonable question then would be, why have vehicles in which people would then speed around, other than to create more police chases and more problems? Because if you ask me, crime prevention is far superior than crime stopping.

Moving swiftly onward, what practical purpose is there that is gained by this idea? I honestly don't know, to me all it seems to do is potentially create more police run-ins which should be reduced if anything. Yes I understand people like to be engaged as police or any other job, but fact is you aren't there to be hassling citizens, you are there to protect them. So by including this, you add ways in which people will break a crime they more than likely would anyways, but if a visible police vehicle prevents that, that seems like a good thing, and something we would want to have happen.

Next, adding a bodygroup to a car is not a simple matter of adding it on if you have any idea with how compiling models goes.

Lastly, there is only a finite amount of choices at all possible to where all players who have played for any respectable amount of time would know what the unmarked vehicles look like, and would spot them easily, so it becomes an easy trap for new people and they, of all people, need to hold onto their money as they're less likely to have as much.

Basically, what I'm saying is, is there any point to this other than to create potentially more car chases? If speed enforcement vehicles presently are a deterrent, why change that? I will leave this thread open for a couple days if anyone wants to try to answer any of that; otherwise I will close after that period.
It isnt an bad idea, it has been requested already, but still, also i would like to see not only one car because people will see the car and think, thats an speed enforcer car, but like you can choose out more cars like 2/3/4/5. +support if you want it like this
-support if you want to hold it you're way
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