Unrealistic roleplay name?

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So today i got forced to change name. My name is (or was...) "Voight Mcclain" and i got this name change menu suddenly. I thought maybe it was some celeberity so I changed last name and then made a report to ask why. Them i get told that "Voight" is an unrealistic name. Which i totaly don't agree with.
Typically, Voight is a surname or last name which is commonly used in Germany. I have yet to find anyone with the first name, "Voight," and it does seem like a bit odd of a first name. However, it's all down to the staff member's discretion and if you have an issue with his choice, it should be handled by himself or by a higher ranking staff member. Cheers!
I got the same thing, my name was "Michael Helloman", last name being based off of "Holloman" (yes it's a legit name, look it up. Helloman is realistic, are we not allowed to have unique names anymore?
According to the rule 3.1 In-Character names,

You are required to have a relatively common, realistic name in game. You also may not use the name of famous people. The staff member who forced to change your name believed that your name was unrealistic, uncommon or used by famous individuals.
However, if you believe that your name was realistic, common and not used by famous people, you can make a staff complaint if you want to.
I renamed you because of the fact that your name is uncommon and not a realistic roleplay name. I do not see the issue with this? You broke the rules where I decided to just rename you instead of being a Dick by giving you a name change and warning you
No its not. Henk Spenk is a joke for children. Spenk comes from spanking and henk is a common name in the netherlands. Thats the reason why you see so many people called henk spenk on fb.
//phone cant comment//

Its not ment to be a joke, it started when i wanted to play LOL and i was searching for a summoner name . My second name is henk, and i wanted something special ( it isnt special :p) i agree its a joke for childeren but when i started playing LOL i wass around 14 years. And that how the name came from. If any staff member have problems with my name , i wanna change it
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