Update Log - 16/06/2019

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Update Log - 16/06/2019

An update went live this morning, here are the changes!

After the first phase of weapon balancing, I have gone through every pairing of firearms to make sure there is always at least reason to choose one gun over another. Previously there were several weapons that were worse or equal to another in every variable, but costed more. This is no longer the case. The following changes are to make this happen:
  • Reduced the recoil of the Spas-12
  • The MP7 Grip now requires 3x25% Refined Metal and1xChunk of Polymer
  • Fixed bug in the crafting mixtures of the following magazines: HK45, MP7, MP9, MP5K
  • The HK45 now requires an additional piece of metal
  • The Luger now requires 1x25% Refined Metal instead of 1x50% Refined Metal
  • In varying amounts, reduced the recoil of the following firearms:
    • FN SCAR-L
    • Colt M16A4
    • Famas G2
    • Enfield L85 A2
    • Steyr AUG A3
    • Sig Sauer P226
    • Walther P99
    • SW Model 19
    • Colt Anaconda
    • SW Model 29
The storage interface has also been improved, making it easier to navigate with large numbers of items.

Here are some other changes:
  • Added tips to the Black Screen - Thanks to @Mage for gathering a list of tips
  • Added some more staff options and fixed some bugs in the god stick
  • Added more options to the raid events
  • Added attachments to gun game
  • Disabled teamkilling in raid events
  • Made more sights compatible with SMGs
  • MP7 and MP9 extended magazines are now craftable and usable
  • Items (not props) are now visible while being picked up
  • Drug Dealer gives some advice when trying to sell him cocaine leaves
  • Mixture categories are sorted alphabetically
  • The name in /call now matches your phone display
  • Changed the way the sea monster works so it kills people correctly
  • Police badge numbers are now shown in misdemeanor ticket messages
  • Moved all the traffic light logic into the Lua code, fixing many issues
  • The courier no longer sells baseball bats
  • Fish are slightly different sizes
  • Fixed many vehicle sounds
  • Fixed other baseball bat exploits
  • Fixed all the issues in the gunrange with attachments
  • Fixed some vehicle sounds
  • Fixed being able to pull part of the roadcrew truck with fists
  • Fixed many Lua errors that were breaking things
  • Fixed the swatvan event breaking things
Here is some leaked footage of @Fredy moving the Moon.
I'm really not used to it and it kinda fucks me up when it does go from red to amber :(
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