Update Log - 17/04/2021 "Community Update"

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what if we have the gun on passive will that still count as '' gun pointing'' the dd
Attempts to have new players buy properties as some kind of protection against raids are not allowed. So if you plan to use a new player so you with 3 months' playtime won't get raided, think again. If this is abused we will remove it. This was added to aid new players, and only new players.
Maybe make a god stick tool that can manually remove this tag to prevent abuse. This way actual new players won't be affected by the wrong doings of other players.
New Player Survey

New players with more than 2 hours of playtime will be asked to participate in a survey. New Players participating in the survey will be asked how they found our server, how they are enjoying it this far, and more similar questions aimed to get a better understanding of how newer players feel about the server and overall community.

This will allow us to make future changes, that will benefit new players but also old-timers.

Great update!

A lotta people (including myself) have whinged that the game doesn't really help new players without providing any absolute solutions, getting some idea is a really good first step!

EDIT: Quote function broke :(
Can't fix a problem if you don't know what it is; getting some feedback is still a solid way to fix the game without changing things in the hope that it'll fix problems when in reality it doesn't.
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